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Apr 20th 2022
#COP1Escazú: The First Conference of the Parties to the #EscazúAgreement starts TODAY, April 20th, in Santiago, Chile.

What is the importance of the Agreement and the #COP1Escazú for Latin America, the Caribbean, and the world?

🧵 A thread 🧵

#EscazúAgreement is the first binding regional environmental treaty for Latin America & the Caribbean:
⛳️ Granting people unique tools to take ownership for decisions affecting their lives;
⛳️ Protecting #EnvironmentalDefenders from threats and reprisals.…
#EscazúAgreement aims to ensure the rights of all people in Latin America & Caribbean to:
🌿 Have effective & timely access to information;
🌿 Meaningful participation in decision-making in matters that affect their lives & their environment, and
🌿 Access justice & #Remedy. Image
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