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Oct 15th 2022
Tim Michels has a long history with the anti-choice movement opposing abortion with no exceptions. Don’t let him fool you. He is a radical. Let's take a look at his history:

#WISGov #WBAdebate
Michels has consistently taken an extreme stance on a woman’s ability to make her own health care decisions.
According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Michels favors reversing Roe vs. Wade, the decision that legalized abortion, and he opposes abortion in all cases, including rape, incest and when the woman's health is at risk.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 10/31/04]
Read 18 tweets
Oct 15th 2022
Wisconsin Gov #WBADebate for #WIGov

First question is on inflation. Evers answer:
1. Inflation is a worldwide phenomenon
2. That said, I have a plan: lower classes on the middle class by 10%, get rid of minimum markup law on gasoline, and create a childcare credit

Michels: uh?
Tim Michels: wildly unprepared to serve
Governor Evers is explaining how shared revenue works—money that comes into state government and goes out to counties and municipalities.

Tim Michels possibly learning about it for the first time?

#WIGov #WBADebate #TeamTony
Read 22 tweets

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