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Aug 26th 2020
#ExtendMoratorium #moratorium3
Stop Dhokabazi @RBI @DasShaktikanta @FinMinIndia @narendramodi @BJP4India
What is LOAN RESTRUCTURING story?You inhuman ppl think We ppl r fools?Not in a position to repay any Loan,Credit Cards Payment & EMI. Let it be a NPA.Cruel BJP Goverment
Enough is enough
In #WBElection2021 & #BiharElection2020 Will whole heartedly support @AITCofficial & @yadavtejashwi to ensure your defeat @BJP4India. You cant win in this 2 states rest assured.
CC- @MamataOfficial @BanglarGorboMB @derekobrienmp @FirhadHakim.
The rulling party itself is a "Zumla" Govt. They have done nothing for common ppl in 6 years. Only spilled religious poison in country. Not a single effort to solve basic need of "Roti,Kapda,Mokan". Only bluffers are there in power.
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