Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Washingtonpost

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Mohammed ben Salmane aurait menacé #Washington d’une crise économique ! L’Arabie saoudite prend-elle le chemin de la révolte contre son suzerain américain ? De nouvelles révélations du #washingtonpost viennent étayer cette hypothèse. Thread 1/7 ⏬ Image
Retour en octobre 2022 : les prix de l’énergie aux États-Unis sont au plus haut à cause de la politique énergétique désastreuse de la Maison Blanche. 2/7 ⏬
Le bouc émissaire à accuser est tout trouvé : ce sera le prince héritier saoudien, Mohammed ben Salmane, que Biden menace de « conséquences » s’il n’augmente pas la production de pétrole pour faire baisser les prix. 3/7 ⏬
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- #Servent "#Barrage, Sûr! C'est les Russes même si c'est irrationnel!"
- #Servent #Lasserre (ridicule!) "#NordStream, on peut pas se fier au #WashingtonPost! Ce serait irrationnel que ce soit les Ukrainiens!"
#Hugheux est le seul sérieux!

#24hPujadas #Ukraine #Russie
Oui #24hPujadas!
"A qui profite le crime ?"
C'est clair, non ?!
Une puissance a tout intérêt à semer le chaos & le trouble dans cette guerre à tous les niveaux, à court, moyen et long terme, surtout si les médias feignent de ne rien voir & n'en parlent pas!

#Ukraine #Russie
Puissance d'ailleurs qui comme à son habitude ne rate jamais une occasion pour critiquer son voisin français "n'est-ce pas?"
Et qui n'aurait pas tardée à en faire un scandale si la France devait occuper ce type de rôle/mission "d'escalades"…

#Ukraine #Russie
Read 11 tweets
Thread about the events around the recent #Twitter suspension of a few journalists. Please do read this and decide for yourself if it's really @ElonMusk who is the villain in this story.

1. Twitter already had a policy about doxxing private info before #ElonMusk took…

@elonmusk …over: Sharing ""home address or physical location info [...] that are considered private"" already was a violation of this rule.
2. Despite this rule in place, Elon said on Nov 7 2022 that he wouldn't ban the account following his plane for the sake of free speech. This…

@elonmusk …is remarkable because
a) Elon's flight data is not public, but the tracker account has engineered a way to aggregate various data to achieve accurate tracking and published it on his account (),
b) private flight info qualifies as "physical…

Read 18 tweets
Cet article du #WashingtonPost en date du 20 octobre apporte des éléments précieux sur l’incident polonais ‼️

🇺🇦Les forces armées ukrainiennes se sont plaintes de leur incapacité à contrer les missiles et les kamikazes russes.
"Maintenant, notre défense aérienne est littéralement un gars avec un Stinger", a déclaré Daria Kalenyuk, directrice exécutive du Centre anti-corruption en Ukraine.
La défense aérienne des forces armées ukrainiennes a besoin d'être modernisée, a rapporté le Washington Post, citant Smazhnyy, chef du centre de formation anti-aérien ukrainien.
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Nel novembre 2016 il sito Web #PropOrNot elenca circa 200 siti Web accusandoli di indebite "influenze russe" nei confronti degli Stati Uniti. Il #WashingtonPost ne certifica l'autenticità, nonostante quelle liste siano state redatte dietro l'anonimato.

Grazie a #PropOrNot il 2017 è diventato l'anno delle #FakeNews. Ogni notizia poteva essere collegata al dossier Steele e alla collusione di #Trump con la Russia. "Con noi o contro di noi": e chi osava sfidare la narrativa del Russiagate diventava un troll del Cremlino.

Il danno che #PropOrNot ha arrecato a decine di siti web di notizie e opinioni alla fine del 2016-2017 costituisce la base di una massiccia causa civile: perché c'è il potenziale per un'azione collettiva delle dimensioni di una società del tabacco.

Read 25 tweets
Thread: Danger of free-pass to Muslim fundamentalists, by journalists.

On the day Rahul Bhat was shot dead in Kashmir (in series of Hindu killings), #WashingtonPost instead published a column- "Muslims fear the worst".

Infuriating deflection but pattern did not surprise.
After Art 370 abrog in 2019, despite no mass violence nor civilian killings, NYT published, "Inside Kashmir, a living hell" + Melodrama column by Arundhati Roy.

Deliberate discourse served to global audience by ignoring ground reality of Jihadism & Pak-funded radicalisation.
Recently, some "ground reports" on Kashmiri Pandits exposed govt failure & bureaucracy incompetence. Fair pt.

But smartly edited-out real details: Who is killing & to send wht msg? Who does a fleeing minority fear around them?

Understand between their quotes, don't just pen it.
Read 10 tweets
Owned by #kings, dukes & sultans, worn by Marie Antoinette, used to pay off a royal debt – and said to carry an ancient curse. It would have to be a #diamond. But not just any diamond. It’s the Hope Diamond, and it's from Guntur in #AndhraPradesh. 1/12 Image
The Hope Diamond is the world’s largest and most legendary blue gemstone. And equally remarkable is its tale, which begins in the famed Golconda Mines in Guntur. But it began life under a different name. 2/12
#gems #minerals
The diamond was discovered by an extraordinary #French adventurer and gems merchant, Jean Baptiste Tavernier, who visited #India in the mid-17th century. It was 112 carats, the size of a grown man’s fist, and it was called Tavernier’s Blue. 3/12 Image
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Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
Sulla Sentenza della Corte di Giustizia del Tribunale int.le per i crimini della Chiesa 28 luglio 2014 n.18072014-002
Canale di divulgazione PUBBLICO di @eretico_l

Via #vincenzotrasmissioni

Davanti agli appelli di Zelensky c'è solo una risposta che pubblichiamo nel post
" ramo inglese deve cedere il passo. Non ci sarà più Dollaro, non ci sarà moneta digitale.. " (Vincenzo Trasmissioni)…
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
Vengono perquisiti i militanti delle Forze armate ucraine e i nazisti di Azov, fuggiti dalle loro postazioni a Mariupol. Tutti sono coinvolti in crimini di guerra contro i civili!
Read 49 tweets
When I spoke w/@R_Denhollander, @pbethancourt, @ToddUnzicker, @JaredcWellman etc re. next steps &(hopefully) educating comm. members, the most disheartening thing to learn was of the roadblocks & lack of ability to get past certain members (Stone/Boto etc) it would be pointless
@R_Denhollander had been working to direct steps, advise, communicate on our behalf, @SusanCodone had been trying as well. @R_Denhollander walked through it with me to help protect my interests & heart. She told them that whatever I asked (of them)should be done & at my pace
I felt so apprehensive, I knew the cost, I knew how these like Stone & Patterson ilk operated & that I, like @jenlyell, could be shredded & left by the roadside emotionally & personally. These men play dirty b/c out of the heart it flows. They think we caused this & 2 blame
Read 5 tweets
Nasdaq spreading conspiracy theories.


Nasdaq: #2 on list of stock exchanges behind NYSE.

#GreatReset: not a figment of our imagination. Rather, it's the 21st cent. imperative of billionaires to save capitalism.

#Imperative21: 72,000 corporations across 80 countries. 150 different industries.

"An unprecedented coalition of business networks that have come together to raise our ambition. Not just to help our individual CEOs succeed... we'll do that for sure..."

Softening push-back w/ marketing/framing/language. #SocialEngineering

"So that the push-back on the BRT [Business Roundtable] from differ. business publications or other people within the [] community lessens. So there's less of a headwind culturally for this type of leadership"
Read 13 tweets
2. How abt when 19 minutes after @POTUS was inaugurated the #WashingtonPost DECLARED the #IMPEACHMENT CAMPAIGN had STARTED?Was thàt when #Trump divided America? Did the ripping up of @POTUS' State of the Union,by #NancyPelosi right in front of the world,bring the country 2gether? Image
3. Remember the DONORS,so SÚRE Hillary wld WIN,aka #Bloomberg,#TomSteyer,#GeorgeSoros & #MÀNY #MÓRE INVESTED #MULTIMILLIONS in #Hillary,they were PRÓMISED SHÓWERS w HÚGE RETURNS when SHE became PRESIDENT,&THEY LÓST all those MILLIONS,so they wanted TRUMP ÓUTofthe #WH by any means Image
Read 10 tweets
Analysis | What do ordinary Arabs think about normalizing relations with Israel?

POINT OF ORDER! This article and poll were produced by the #Qatar/Moslem Brotherhood propaganda center in Doha, headed by a man suspected of being a Hizbullah spy.
2/ How could the Washington Post publish this?

#Qatar is opposed to the normalization of Arab states and Israel.
Qatar gives aid and refuge to #Hamas.
Leaders of Muslim Brotherhood live in Qatar.
Pic: MB head Yusuf al-Qaradawi w Sheikha of Qatar and serial rapist Tariq Ramadan
3/ #Qatar is in a diplomatic war with much of the Arab world.
In 2017, responding to Qatar's support for terrorism and sponsorship of its Al Jazeera propaganda arm, Saudis, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt broke diplomatic relations & launched a boycott.
Guess the nations the writer attacks.
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The #UKGovernment Torture Report

This is a very short overview of what the #UKAuthorities have done in the case.

#PraiseTheLORD #PraiseGod #Borisjohnson #Downingstreet #PritiPatel #UKParliament #Dailymail
In 2005, I set up a business selling CDs, namely mixtape CDs after graduating from Uni.

In 2006, my home was raided & my business was stopped. They said the CDs I was selling were in breach of copyright.
It was a complete shock as the exact same CDs I was selling were prevalent on most high streets and supermarkets. They were selling in their thousands in places such as #Tesco & #HMV. And #Woolworths were the actual UK Distributor of these CDs.
Read 91 tweets
1. purtroppo, ancora una volta, @jacopo_iacoboni NON riporta i FATTI in modo corretto: #WikiLeaks ha detto: " our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party", c'è enorme differenza tra questa dichiarazione e quello che scrive Iacoboni
2. non dovete credermi sulla parola: verificate voi stessi la dichiarazione di Julian #Assange: "our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party" riportata dal #WashingtonPost:…
3. ognuno di noi può avere le proprie simpatie e antipatie legittime, quindi è legittimo per @jacopo_iacoboni disprezzare #WikiLeaks e Julian #Assange, ma i FATTI contano
Read 3 tweets
"We are in day 12 of #Bolivia’s #uprising and #GeneralStrike called by the unions, and the crisis has reached a boiling point. All of the country is paralysed."
by @AlanRMacLeod… #protests #BoliviaResiste #boliviaenrevolución #FridayThoughts #FridayFeeling
“The #military has guns and a license to kill; we have nothing,” cried a mother whose son had just been shot in Senkata. “Please, tell the international community to come here and stop this.”
by @medeabenjamin… #Bolivia #Protests #Anez #JeanineAñez #Peace
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Ayer, 9:58 am hora local de San Diego, California, se recibió una alerta electrónica de Kosmos 2542 (…) que indica que este satélite había detectado múltiples explosiones que emanaban de la base naval de San Diego (…)
RUSIA verificó los tipos de explosiones y sus formas, y que tal forma explosiva coincidía exactamente con municiones de fósforo blanco utilizadas por las fuerzas marinas estadounidenses durante su ofensiva en la ciudad iraquí de Falluja en 2004…
El buque de asalto anfibio USS Bonhomme Richard (…) con municiones de fósforo fue reconocido por el contralmirante Philip E. Sobeck (…) que estas explosiones provenían de la bodega de carga inferior del barco (…)
Read 29 tweets
.@gtconway3d Gets it right. The Constitution is concerned with the supremacy of federal law, NOT the supremacy of federal officials. #washingtonpost #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw…
Great work from @nytimes (@COFinkelstein & @RWPUSA) on #POTUS’s bid to destroy the #RuleOfLaw in tomorrow’s #SCOTUS arguments:…
Read the amicus brief in tomorrow’s #SCOTUS Vance arguments from Protect Democracy, @gtconway3d & 36 other former GOP members of Congress, former GOP officials & legal experts:…
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1. ora voglio aiutarvi a leggere inchiesta del #WashingtonPost sull'azienda #CryptoAG che, rivelava il WashPost era un completo asset della #CIA. Ecco l'inchiesta che avete letto tutti (inglese):…
2. intanto non potete capire l'inchiesta del #WashingtonPost sull'azienda #CryptoAG se non mettete a fuoco una cosa fondamentale: l'inchiesta è del #WashingtonPost, che non è più quello di #TuttiGliUominiDelPresidente,#WashPost oggi ha un padrone: #Bezos,Signore di #Amazon
3. #Amazon è la nuova potenza militare, come ricostruisce #TechnologyReview (inglese):… #Amazon puntava forte fortissimamente a uno dei contratti più lucrosi di sempre: il progetto #JEDI
Read 12 tweets
1. anche se ne ho parlato già ieri sera in inglese, rispondo a chi mi continua a chiedere dell'articolo del #DailyBeast, secondo il quale #ArronBanks avrebbe vantato un canale di comunicazione con Julian #Assange e #WikiLeaks, che trovate qui in inglese:…
2. ho spiegato ieri sera perché sono completamente scettica riguardo a gente che va a vantarsi in giro di "un canale" con Julian #Assange: sono anni che #Guardian, #DailyBeast, ecc pubblicano questi articoli senza uno straccio di prova
3. dunque secondo le ricostruzioni giornalistiche, #ArronBanks sarebbe stato l'uomo della #Brexit in combutta con i #russi
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Seit Jahren untersuche ich die US-Rechte: lese ihre Texte, analysiere polit. Entscheidungen, untersuche ihre Biographien - was man halt so macht. Ein Muster begegnet mir ständig: Die permanente Selbst-Viktimisierung, die im krassen Konstrast zur polit. und ökon. Macht steht. 1/
Eve Fairbanks beschreibt nun in einem exzellenten Artikel in der #WashingtonPost, wie weit diese spezifisch konservative Opfer-Rhetorik zurückreicht und wie sie im Antebellum South verwendet wurde, um Sklaverei zu verteidigen.… 2/
Denn die Südstaatler sprachen nicht etwa von #slavery: "they anointed themselves the defenders of reason, free speech and civility." Als die wahren Verteidiger von Minderheitenrechten und Freiheit (der Sklavenhalter, wohlgemerkt.) 3/
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At same period the UK Authorities, banks & state owned companies all converged with their plans to take our home, our car & our money, my mother's #DWP welfare benefit was also targeted on several occasions, the worst being what happened at #Adecco #Guardian #TheTimes #GMB
My mother was seeking #employment & arranged an appointment with #OfficeAngels who she was already registered with & had worked for, for years. However, the time & date of the appointment was at a similar time to that of her sign on with the #DWP. #Jobseekersallowance #Jobseekers
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This all started because the #MetPolice & #LBRUT couldn't do their day jobs properly & decided to take the law into their own hands. It started as a small cover up 12 years ago but has turned into British State Persecution.

#Skynews #BBCNews #DailyMail #Guardian #Euronews
My company was raided. It should have been a straightforward matter. But the #MetPolice & #LBRUT forgot to seize my computer & came back to do a 2nd raid. The search warrant didn't permit a second entry, however, #LBRUT entered unlawfully

#Guardian #Telegraph #DailyMail #GMB #UK
Complaints were then made to my MP #VinceCable. He liaised with the #Metpolice & #LBRUT. And then weeks later, the search warrant was completely changed & was passed off as the search warrant executed on the day of the raids.

#DailyPolitics #Libdems #Conservatives #labour #bbcdp
Read 147 tweets
This all started because the #MetPolice & #LBRUT couldn't do their jobs properly & then decided to take the law into their own hands. The result of this decision has led to events stranger than fiction

#BBCNews #Skynews #Itvnews #Channel4News #ThisMorning #TheresaMay #UKGov #LBC
My company was raided. It should have been a straightforward matter. But the #MetPolice & #LBRUT forgot to seize my computer & came back to do a 2nd raid. The search warrant didn't permit a second entry, however, #LBRUT entered unlawfully

#Guardian #Telegraph #DailyMail #GMB #UK
Complaints were then made to my MP #VinceCable. He liaised with the #Metpolice & #LBRUT. And then weeks later, the search warrant was completely changed & was passed off as the search warrant executed on the day of the raids.

#DailyPolitics #Libdems #Conservatives #labour #bbcdp
Read 145 tweets
"#Assange is a courageous and fearless publisher who is being persecuted for exposing the atrocities of the corporate state and imperialism"…
«The extradition of the publisher—the maniacal goal of the #US government—would set a legal precedent that would criminalize any journalistic oversight or investigation of the corporate state. It would turn leaks and #whistleblowing into treason»
«If #Assange is extradited to the #UnitedStates and sentenced, The #NewYorkTimes, The #WashingtonPost and every other media organization, no matter how tepid their coverage of the corporate state, would be subject to the same draconian #censorship»
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