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If something is falling, don’t prop it up. Give it a push.

If something is weak and dying, don’t attempt the grotesque spectacle of animating a corpse. Instead, step on its throat.

We are not witnessing an exogenous “attack on Western civilization.” It might look that way, but appearances can be deceptive.
We are witnessing an endogenous outbreak, the full-blown expression of energies that were latent, but always present, within the root concept and world system known as “Western Civilization.”
Read 4 tweets
Post-modernism is a virus.

Also, a religion.

Post-modernism, that vicious power play. Played by people who no longer exist.

Post-modernism, the movement that is, paradoxically, also all the other movements that have disagreed with it.
"The book proceeds to give volumes of examples of how the various subfields of post-modernism are actively seeking to destroy the very foundations of Western civilization—the building blocks of society, logic, reason, & academia itself."

Oh the dogwhistling sound of #WesternCiv.
Let's set aside the sound of that whistle and reiterate that to date Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay have shown little understanding of the historical structures of the Western academy that they claim are crumbling and they say are so dear to them. See:
Read 9 tweets

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