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May 13th 2023
That's the ultimate irony. Trans people want to "exist" so bad they are willing to cynically subvert many aspects of our society: division by sex class, information gatekeeping, a dystopian & destructive view of body autonomy, & they want to do it at everyone's expense.
Perhaps if they were less loud and obnoxious, they would thrive just like the small proportion of very discreet transsexuals that have existed since forever. If we notice you less, you shall exist more freely. They don't seem to grasp this.
They want to bring us all down with their stupidity. Why stupidity? If you tell teenagers the world must conform to their desires, you are stunting their ability to adapt and grow from within. You are basically allowing a psychological state of arrested development.
Read 6 tweets
May 13th 2023
One thing I would love all pro trans activists to hear: your stupidity, your scientific illiteracy, and your sense of entitlement are sadly not protected characteristics. Wear whatever the fuck you want, just don't deny your sexed body and stay out of single sex spaces. Enough!
Stop using the same tired bad faith arguments that aren't smarter now than the first time they were uttered. No-one cares who you think you are in your head. No-one cares you altered your driver's license or birth certificate. No-one takes your pronouns requests seriously.
Those so-called rights you aspire to that you don't already have are all boundary crossing transgressions of the worst kind. Fraudulently altering driver's licenses is bad enough, but some of you manage to alter birth certificates "after the fact". What a cynical assault...
Read 8 tweets
Apr 30th 2023
Are transwomen women? Of course not! But let's discuss this.

Why are we even in this mess? What happened that the definition had been stable as "adult human female" since the dawn of time across all cultures but suddenly something had shifted, prompting inevitable change?
A pernicious ideology emerged inspired by the tenets of post modernism according to which words create reality rather than describe it. TRAs believe that declaring someone or themselves a woman is a performative act that actually makes it happen.
The word woman isn't clear, they say, because "adult" has different meanings in different places. Do you mean 18 or over? 21 or over? Or after menarche (onset of first period). Human is the least controversial of the three words.
Read 23 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
The word "transphobia" doesn't mean the same thing to TRAs vs GCs. The original definition of "irrational fear & disgust" has been hijacked by TRAs the same way they hijacked the meaning of the word "woman". How many of us roll our eyes when accused of transphobia?
It seems en vogue these days to talk about "my truth". What point does the word "truth" even have when everyone has one? Irony aside, here is how I understand the word "transphobic". It says more about the person calling the other transphobic than the alleged transphobe.
A TRA accusing others of transphobia is a) resorting to a thought ending clichΓ© of the lowest order b) signaling that their narcissistic interests supercede any other potentially reasonable consideration, c) a result of either stupidity, or willful blindness, or both.
Read 12 tweets

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