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What is the Financial Tyranny Index (FTI) presented by the Vexl Foundation at @BtcPrague by our CEO @LeaPetras? 🔥🔥🔥

(thread) Image
The FTI is a comprehensive tool that measures the extent of statist interventions in the financial space.
We put together parameters like:
CBDC status.

This status is available on:

You can see that some countries have already started their pilot CBDC. For example: 🇨🇳 🇫🇷 🇨🇦 🇮🇳 🇸🇦
Read 10 tweets
Interessiert sich jemand dafür, was sich am Klimaschutzgesetz ändern soll?

Hier der Vergleich, bei dem ich das bestehende Klimaschutzgesetz ( mit dem nun am 13.06.2023 veröffentlichten Entwurf (…) vergleiche.

Ein Thread
Der Vergleich wurde mit #Word durchgeführt und alles was nun am alten Gesetz gestrichen wurde ist durchgestrichen. Was neu ist, ist in anderer Farbe reingeschrieben. (Farbwahl durch Microsoft Word - also nicht von mir).

Es geht los: Image
Read 12 tweets
推特学术写作大师 Mushtaq Bilal 博士的33条推特在两个月内吸引了4550万View
#学术写作 #AI应用 #ChatGPT
Notion:… Image
#学术写作 #ChatGPT #初稿技巧
#学术发表 #博士之路
Read 36 tweets
Do Muslims worship #God or Allah?
One of the biggest misconceptions about #Islam concerns the name “Allah.” Some people believe that Muslims worship a different God than #Christians , #Jews and others, and some missionary organizations distribute literature in #English in which
in which they say such things as: “Allah is the god of the Muslims” and “Muhammad told people to believe in the god, Allah.” They thus imply and reinforce the idea that “Allah” is some sort of false deity.
This is totally #incorrect because “Allāh” is the same word
that Arabic–speaking Christians and Jews use for God. If you pick up an Arabic #Bible , you will find the word “Allāh” wherever “God” is used in English.
“Allāh” is also the proper #name of God. Therefore Muslims use the name “Allāh” even when they speak other languages.
Read 11 tweets
Apakah kamu pernah menemukan spasi berjarak lebar atau jauh di akhir paragraf yang menerapkan justify?

Selain menyebalkan, dokumen yang kamu buat menjadi terlihat tidak profesional.

I'll show you how to fix it.

#kurinat #word
Quick fix: Tombol ENTER.

Arahkan cursor ke akhir paragraf, lalu tekan ENTER.
Lakukan hal yang sama ke semua paragraf.

Simple. Kurinat - Tempatkan cursor di akhir paragraf lalu tekan tomb
Namun bagaimana jika banyak paragraf? Menekan enter satu-persatu?

Berikut adalah cara paling efektif untuk mengatasi spasi lebar dalam satu dokumen.

Pilih File -> Option It Ends with UsMerapikan spasi berjarak terlalu jauh dan tidak rapi di Word
Read 9 tweets
◼️ Realize that God’s got your back – Genesis 26:11-14
God is always several steps ahead of the enemy. He always shows up in time, and when He does, a potentially in-conducive environment becomes tailor-made for you. Image
◼️ Remain with proven principles - Genesis 26:12, Genesis 8:22
Engaging your supernatural advantage keeps you above every apparent recession in your life. The twin force operation of the Blessing and the favour of God will distinguish you from the rest. ImageImage
Examples of proven principles
▪️ The principle of the tithe – Malachi 3:9
▪️ The principle of sowing and reaping - Luke 6:38
▪️ The principle of faith. Faith is obedience to the Word of God. ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Bevor Ertrinkende durch 1 Kartoffel gerettet werden können, muss erst Nationalhymne gesungen, Bratwurst gegessen werden samt Nachweis, dass man auf der Autobahn schon 200 gefahren ist. Dann bekommt man keinen Rettungsring, aber eine Anleitung zum Schwimmen und muss dankbar sein.
Für diese Schwimmanleitung möchte die Kartoffel 1 Diplom und 1 Belobigung, obwohl die Rettung dadurch zustandekam, dass mehrere andere Leute Schwimmwesten, Schwimmringe und mehr ins Wasser geworfen haben. Der Gerettete möchte sich nicht so sehr für die Schwimmanleitung bedanken.
Read 5 tweets
Best of Gil Ofarim’s Insta Live Session 18: So unterhält man in Pandemiezeiten ein Online-Publikum. Charmanter geht’s nicht…
Komplette Session:…

1/6 “Du, ich glaub sie sind dabei…”
2/6 “Nicht mehr traurig sein! #ofarim
3/6 “Die Karawane zieht weiter” 😂 #ofarim
Read 12 tweets
1/ Παρασκευή με #fosstotounel, και ξεκινάμε #thread με την ανάλυση της υπόθεσης της #Ολυμπίας Κυρήκου, της οποίας χάθηκαν τα ίχνη το Σάββατο, 11 Νοεμβρίου 1995, απο την Νέα Ιωνία. Θα αναλύσουμε μία σειρά από 7 βίντεο της εκπομπής από το 1996 με πρώτο το
2/ H εκπομπή γίνεται στις 2 Φεβρουαρίου, 1996, με τους συγγενείς να απευθύνονται στην νεαρή τότε Αγγέλω, για να τους βοηθήσει στην αναζήτηση. Να θυμίσουμε ότι το #fosstotounel ξεκίνησε κάπου μέσα στο 1995, οπότε βλέπουμε τα πρώτα βήματα της εκπομπής και των συντελεστών..
3/ Αυτο φαίνεται τόσο από την παραγωγή/ σετ και την εικόνα που έχουμε από τότε, όσο και από το γεγονός ότι πολλά από τα τηλεφωνήματα που γίνονταν από `τηλεθεατές` δεν μπορούσαν να διασταυρωθούν (όπως θα δούμε) με συνέπεια να παραπλανούν, πιθανότατα με δόλο, τις προσπάθειες
Read 46 tweets

Read 5 tweets
This is your daily pension announcement: The Pension War Room™️notes that @ewsiddall has written an Op-Ed. It is my duty to call you to red alert, and offer you this analysis. 1/many #AbLeg #handsoffmypension…
If I was the Board Chair of AIMCO, I would not have recommended this. @ewsiddall acquits himself well, but the Op-Ed is a sore point. It was Kevin's tone deaf and self-serving Op-Ed in this very same paper that set off an angry reaction focused on him. #ABLeg #handsoffmypension
The Second Mountain is an appropriate analogy here. But after 2 years of Travis and company denying that there is a problem with AIMCO, I think we have more time in the valley letting old parts die before moving on. #AbLeg #handsoffmypension
Read 9 tweets
1/τ Ενώ όλη Ελλάδα ακούει τον Μένιο #Φουρθιωτης να δίνει live συνέντευξη μέσα από τη φυλακή, οι έρευνες για την #δολοφονία της #Καρολάιν στα #Γλυκά_Νερά συνεχίζονται. Προχωράμε με #thread στην ανάλυση των μίνι δηλώσεων του πιλότου εχθές (,
2/τ Ενας από τους περιορισμούς για την ανάλυση αυτή είναι ότι ο πιλότος φορούσε μάσκα και γυαλιά μέσα στο αμάξι του, με το twitter να διχάζεται σχετικά με το αν αυτή ήταν μια προμελετημένη κίνηση για να μην δώσει περισσότερα tells στους detective του πληκτρολογίου ή...
3/τ ...αν ήταν μία genuine προσπάθεια να προφυλαχθεί από τον φονικό #κορωνοιό (μέσα στο αμάξι) και τις βλαβερές ακτίνες UVA & UVB του ηλίου...
#Γλυκα_Νερα #γλυκανερα #Καρολαιν #Γλυκά_Νερά
Read 25 tweets
Kingdom Life Conference (KLC- 2021) Heaven will invade the Earth!

12th of June - 2021 is the date - it is a Saturday & Public Holiday mark out that date in your calendar.
History will be rewritten on that date. 



Venue : Theikos Doxa Evangelical Ministry (THEDEM)

22, Funsho Williams Avenue after National Stadium opposite Maldini Granite before MRS Filling Station towards Alaka Estate, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria.
Read 6 tweets
As we begin our journey with a bold vision to nurture leaders & communities for feminist politics. We are taking this space & inviting you to give a read on the Story of our Logo.
#RepresentationMatters #logo #Feminism #Politics #community #wednesdaythought #wednesdaywisdom 1/3
It took us a lot of debate, brainstorming, reflection and feedback to come up with our logo.
We are proud and even overwhelmed with it as it sums up our vision, values and welcomes people to reflect and connect. #RepresentationMatters #Wednesdaymotivations
#leadership #story 2/3
We hope you liked our story and if you resonate do share and join our mission.

Application coming soon!

#RepresentationMatters #WednesdayMotivation #feminist #Politics #community #aspirational #HEARTtoHEART2021 #diversity #leadership #inclusion #Purple #black #white #word
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🎥Watch/📟Listen to the recap of "Motivation Time-out with Damilola Abodunrin."

Theme for September:
The People's Currency.
Quotes O'Clock 3.
📻Listen via audio podcast on anchor:…

📺Watch on Instagram:…
Background music:
* Count on me by Bruno Mars @BrunoMars .
* Pray for me by Picazo ft Olamide @Picazo_rhap ft @Olamide
* Shine by Johny Drille @Johnnydrille

Thanks to my awesome team:
Content developing and harmonizing : God Almighty, @F_Feyikemi
Music selection: @POlorunwa
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What currency are you spending to the people with your solution?
🎥Watch/📟Listen to the recap of "Motivation Time-out with Damilola Abodunrin."

Theme for September:
The People's Currency.
Episode 1.

* Value people
* Understand people
* Make emotional deposits into people's bank account
* Select relationships carefully & deliberately

📻Listen via audio podcast on anchor:….

📺Watch on Instagram:…
Background music:
* The light that never fails by Andra Day.

* What doesn't kill you by Kelly Clarkson @kellyclarkson
* The greatest by Sia @SiaMusic

Thanks to my awesome team:
Content developing and harmonizing: God Almighty, Feyikemi Fawunmi @F_Feyikemi
Music selection: Abodunrin Olorunwa Pelumi @POlorunwa

#tuesday #lifestyle

Read 4 tweets
Title: The Daniel Brand
Daniel distinguished himself.

"Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps……
There were certain things Daniel did and certain things he refused to do that distinguished him.
As the salt of the earth and light of the world, you have to distinguish yourself.
One of the things that set Daniel apart was his lifestyle. He lived a lifestyle of discipline.
He refused to partake of the King's meal offered him so as not to defile himself.
Read 9 tweets
Pastor Dami Ojo
Bible Text: Genesis 1:26-28
Bible References: Proverbs 24:3-4, Genesis 2:8-15, Job 32:2, Exodus 31:1-5, Genesis 30:34-43
3 Things Required To Build An Excellent Career And Wisdom.
To succeed in business, you need sound knowledge, sound wisdom, and sound understanding.
1. Watch Out For information God drops in your spirit. Job 32:4.
2. Skill Development: To consistently climb the ladder of success, you have to improve on your skills. Psalms 78:70-71. Skill development is fundamentally essential in your drive for success in career and business.
Read 6 tweets
In case you missed the live this morning, 🎥Watch/📟Listen to the recap of "Motivation Time-out."
Put a twist on it, Episode 9
Relationships & Perspectives 4

📻Listen via audio podcast on anchor:….
📺Watch on YouTube:

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📢 Now, easily manage your tasks across your favorite #Microsoft365 apps.

A Thread. ⬇️
Stay focused and productive wherever you go. See your tasks across your lists as you move between apps and devices. Manage your work with tasks across #Microsoft365.
View your tasks and share plans across @MicrosoftToDo and #MicrosoftPlanner with the Tasks app in @MicrosoftTeams.
Read 7 tweets
🎥Watch/📟Listen to the recap of "Motivation Time-out with Damilola Abodunrin."
Put a twist on it, episode 8
Relationships & Perspectives 3

📻Listen via audio podcast on anchor:….
📺watch on YouTube:

The people you travel with in life will determine how far you travel -@Omojuwa
The people around you will determine if you want to take the extra step or stay in mediocrity -@Omojuwa
Your relationship fuels ur perspective, be intentional about ur relationships this week.
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Happy New Month, welcome to the month of perfection.

Watch the Motivation Time-out with Damilola Abodunrin (Transparency).

Theme for July:
Put a twist on it episode 1.

Subtheme for the week: Perspectives.

Watch using any of the links below:

Background Instrumental: Ayo by @tope_alabi_ ft @TYBELLO

Thanks to my awesome team:
Content developing and harmonizing : God Almighty, @F_Feyikemi

#wednesday #wednesdaywisdom #wednesdaymotivation #wednesdayvibes #motivationalvideos #motivation
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Motivation Time-out with Damilola Abodunrin (Transparency).

Theme for June:
Speak it right, Light it up Episode 10
Subtheme for the week:
Wrapping up the June series.

Watch using any of the links below:


Background Instrumental: Ayo by @tope_alabi_ ft @TYBELLO

Thanks to my awesome team:
Content developing and harmonizing : God Almighty, @F_Feyikemi, @bsosherifdeen

#monday #mondaywisdom #mondaymotivation #mondaymood #motivationalvideos #motivation
#word #reality

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Motivation Time-out with Damilola Abodunrin (Transparency).
Theme for June:
Speak it right, Light it up Episode 9

Subtheme for the week:
The association called YOU & Wrapping up the June series.

Background music: Awamaridi by @nathanielblow ft Tomifavoured & Tope Alabi

Thanks to my awesome team:
music selection and camera handling : @abodunrin_olorunwa_pelumi
Content developing and harmonizing : God Almighty, @F_Feyikemi & @abodunrin_olorunwa_pelumi

#wednesday #wednesdaywisdom #wednesdaymotivation #motivationalvideos #motivation

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