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Interested in the latest research on #language brokering, linguistic diversity and language barriers but too busy?
Applied Linguistics students @MQLinguistics have read some important articles in the field for you and offer an intro in this đŸ§”#langtwt #Linguistics
Young bilingual children have the ability to manipulate linguistic inputs in order to break through language barriers in classrooms. Allowing peer interactions in multiple languages may help them develop cognitive and communication abilities!
 Research into young children’s linguistic abilities shows
Language brokering as a child influences the development of parent-child relationships, such as a deeper understanding of parent-child relationships and the growth of empathy
 Language brokering is an activity whereby children interpret
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Good morning! We're back at #MetaForum2022. Day 2 is all about European Language Equality. @GeorgRehm now opening proceedings.

Live-stream: Georg Rehm at the rostrum, opening the day.
The project is not about getting to full language equality. It's about setting up a strategy to get there, together with the many partners.
Today's first keynote comes to us from Luxembourg (moien!), courtesy of June Lowery-Kingston (@DigitalEU). June works on #accessibility, #multilingualism and safer internet.
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1/6 Ok, Arma Reforger is out! This is an important point for the whole company as Arma Reforger introduces the new technology and tools across the board, localization included. Arma Reforger is the first title with an evolved and modernized approach to localization in our games, Image
2/6 with the String Editor (part of Workbench) at its core, which should make it easy for the community to work on their own community localizations as well, or to localize their own creations in a streamlined and user-friendly way. Image
3/6 So far, the game includes official work-in-progress localization into French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, and Chinese simplified. Image
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OKay I'm in!! Just have arrived to him talking about 'TAXI'. Wasn't expecting him to be giving this lecture from his couch! But a nice atmosphere all the same. He's saying some critics said it didn't 'deserve' to be translated
He is now talking about how surveys show that parents read less to their children because the books are written in Fus7a. I'm just reporting here, not taking a stance!
Now talking about MADMEN of FREEDOM SQUARE by Hassan Blassim, 'an early venture' of Jonathan's.
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Tips for #interpreters who have just passed their exams. Colleagues, please chip in. A #1nt thread.
1) Getting your first paid project will probably take a while. Please try to have a part-time job or one with flexible hours until you start getting regular #1nt work.
2) While some #1nt people also do #xl8, don't kick yourself if you turn out not to be suited to it. There are other things you can do.
Read 23 tweets
Good morning! Yesterday we looked at factors which represent professional service-providers, next to being reliable, trustworthy, and discplined (just to mention a few). It goes without saying that our clients expect a top-notch translation delivered at the agreed deadline.
In a perfect world, the source files are perfectly formatted, client's TM (translation memory) is well-filled, reference files are informative & glossary is perfect.
But it's seldom this smooth ride. Being able to do proper terminology research is crucial for your success.
So where do we start our terminology research? There are surely tons of sources on the net, but not all are suitable. A good start is always EU's terminology database #IATE (Interactive Terminology for Europe)
Read 14 tweets
Good morning! Yesterday we spoke about translation & interpreting graduates who often are not sufficiently prepared for a #freelance life. In your opinion, what steps are necessary to become a successful freelancer?
Thanks a lot for so many good ideas! I could add the ability to act like a professional (more about that later), staying curious & always keep learning, building up a pro network, keeping a healthy life/work balance. After all, we need to recharge to stay on top.
Did anybody mention joining a professional T&I organisation? Many have reduced membership fees for students and graduates. Apart from networking with colleagues, many offer CPD (continuing professional development) #webinars and #seminars which cover a number of different topics.
Read 5 tweets
Aquí va un pequeño hilo con traducciones mejorables, del inglés al español, de elementos comunes de la lengua.
No es que estén mal, es que no las usamos así, y desde luego no con la frecuencia con que se ven en algunas traducciones.

El inglés incide en el uso del posesivo muchísimo.
En español, el contexto, las desinencias, esa maravilla del dativo posesivo y otras marcas nos permiten tirar de artículo.
I forgot my coat -> Me he olvidado el abrigo
En general, no es buena idea repetir posesivos.
Read 4 tweets
1/ Since the start of our #covid19 #confinement in #France, I've gone back to making homemade #bread about 3 times per week, so between that and the book I'm reading on the history of bread, I'll leave some interesting tidbits here whenever the fancy strikes me.

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2/ First up: #DidYouKnow that the #French #blĂ© was once the general word for any #cereal crop ("plante qui produit le grain dont on fait le pain"), much like the 🇬🇧 #English #corn ("any of various cereal plants")?

To talk about wheat, the word was (and remains) "froment".

3/ You know flour and flower are pronounced alike, but #DidYouKnow that the similarity is related to the fact that #flour was once spelled "flower", i.e. "the finer portion of ground grain"?

Not coincidentally, the #French term is "fleur de farine" ("flour flower"). —

#xl8 Image
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Ever say to yourself: “I know there’s a word that comes next to liable, but I can’t think of which one

Ever want to pull up tens of real-world examples of specific clauses (severability, forum selection, etc.)?

Then #corpora are for you.

#xl8 #translation #lawtwitter #law
Don't be fooled by the complicated name.

In reality, a #corpus is just a collection of texts.

All it takes is a simple search interface to comb through thousands of pages in just instants.
The search results give you an in-context list of how real-world drafters actually use the term you searched for.

The BYU corpora are good examples:

1⃣ COCA (U.S. English):
2⃣ BNC (G.B. English):
Read 10 tweets
"De nationalité australienne"
✅ "An Australian citizen" (905,000 results)
✅ "A citizen of Australia" (279,000 results)
❌ "Of Australian nationality" (12,200 results)

#xl8 #translation #corpora #corpuslinguistics #tips #thread
"De nationalité britannique"
✅ "A British citizen" (1.4 million results)
✅ "A citizen of the UK" (800,000 results)
❌ "Of British nationality" (189,000 results)

#xl8 #translation #corpora #corpuslinguistics
"De nationalité américaine"
✅ "A US Citizen" (12.5 million results)
✅ "A citizen of the United States" (7.2 million results)
✅ "An American citizen" (6.3 million results)
❌ "Of American nationality" (138,000 results)

#xl8 #translation #corpora #corpuslinguistics
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1⃣ | ⚖ It’s the story of a plantation worker in #Martinique â˜€ïžđŸ‡«đŸ‡·, Ms. X, who harvested lemons 🍋 for a living.

She had worked for Hortifruit, her employer, for over a decade in the exact same job.

#xl8 #law #caselaw #traduction #translation #LawTwitter #AppellateTwitter
2⃣ One day her company reassigned her to a new job (🍌 banana bagging) against her will.

Ms. X refused to return to work, claiming that her employer was actually punishing her.
3⃣ She was then fired (for cause), and in response, she sued for wrongful termination, seeking damages.

What happened next?

Only one way to find out!

Read on here âžĄïž

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Françaises, Français :

ArrĂȘtez, bon sang de bonsoir, de dire « bacon » quand vous voulez dire « poitrine tranchĂ©e ».

Ça vient surtout de l'influence des enseignes de restauration rapide amĂ©ricaines, et ça n'a aucun sens ici en France.

#xl8 #traduction
En #France, le bacon, c’est ça : « un morceau de filet de porc qui a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©graissĂ©, dĂ©sossĂ©, salĂ© et fumĂ© ».

#xl8 Image
Rien Ă  voir avec ceci, la poitrine tranchĂ©e (qui du coup s’appelle « bacon » en anglais) : « une prĂ©paration Ă  base de poitrine de porc salĂ©e ou saumurĂ©e taillĂ©e en tranches trĂšs fines, presque translucides d’environ 20 cm ».
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Article à la fois fascinant et inquiétant.

Il rappelle ce que les traducteurs savent déjà bien : les conditions de travail des traducteurs doivent rester correctes en termes de délais et de tarifs, sinon on ne peut espérer obtenir des résultats de qualité. #xl8 #traduction
Et justement : venant de la part des clients, le manque de respect du traducteur semble reflĂ©ter une incomprĂ©hension de ce qu'implique l'acte mĂȘme de traduire.

Mais comment expliquer le comportement des agences de #traduction ?

Pourquoi n'expliquent-elles pas tout simplement aux clients la réalité de notre métier afin de proposer des tarifs et des délais corrects à ceux qui exécutent le travail ?

#xl8 #translation
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Here’s a fun word you don’t get to use every day: “shanghaiing”, i.e. forcing someone to board a ship (or threatening, lying to, intoxicating, etc. someone to get them to board said ship) to perform labor as a sailor.

(See 18 U.S. Code § 2194:

#xl8 #law Image
@MerriamWebster explains:

"In the 1800s, long sea voyages were very difficult and dangerous, so people were understandably hesitant to become sailors. But sea captains and shipping companies needed crews to sail their ships, so they gathered sailors any way they could..."
"...even if that meant resorting to kidnapping by physical force or with the help of liquor or drugs. The word shanghai comes from the name of the Chinese city of Shanghai..."
Read 4 tweets
Il me semble un peu contradictoire, en France, de fustiger contre des emprunts directs de l’anglais comme le cloud/les smartphones, quand on dira sans scrupule qu’on va:

🔘 mettre ses baskets

🔘 pour aller faire un jogging

🔘 puis passer vite fait au pressing

#xl8 #thread —
🔘 avant de se faire une petite coupe-brushing

🔘 puis, pourquoi pas, faire un peu de zapping sur sa box avant le prime.

(Rien de tout ça ne se dit en anglais d’ailleurs.) —
Les calques (par ex. « ça fait sens ») sont pires que les emprunts Ă  la limite, parce qu’ils sont insidieux. Ils se glissent dans la langue et souvent, ils finissent par se remarquer Ă  peine. — Image
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I say it often: word-for-word translations are often stilted, unnatural, and ripe for improvement.

An example from a recent #translation:

Source: “Le niveau de gravitĂ© selon la matrice ci-dessous permet de dĂ©finir l’ordre de prioritĂ© pour la rĂ©solution des demandes.”


#xl8 Image
My first draft was passable:

“The severity levels set out in the following table render it possible to establish the order of priority for handling support requests.”

Not awful, but there is clearly room for improvement.

Just for laughs, I ran it through DeepL:

“The severity level according to the matrix below is used to define the order of priority for the resolution of requests.”

(Wow! What a horrible, awful, no-good word-for-word #translation! What does that even mean?)

3/5 Image
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An idea to make your FR-EN legal #translation sound more authentic?

Give #French statutes natural-sounding #English names.

For instance: Loi n° 2017-399 du 27 mars 2017 relative au devoir de vigilance des sociĂ©tĂ©s mĂšres et des entreprises donneuses d’ordre....

#xl8 #law

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....Can be translated as the:

The Parent Company and Corporate Customer Due Diligence Act 2017 (Law 2017-399 of 27 March 2017).

Rather than the more stilted:

Law No. 2017-399 of 27 March 2017 on the Due Diligence Required of Parent Companies and Corporate Customers.

If someone really wants to look the statute up, the reference to the date & number of the law will be enough.

But let’s be honest: only a truly bilingual person would even try to.

Not translating the name word for word does not negatively impact legal value....

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The logic of the imperial system is just spectacular.

Take the long ton, for instance.

It turns out, this UK unit is still used in some international trade contexts.

#thread #xl8 #weights #FridayThoughts Picture of the dilapidated ...
Just don’t confuse it with the short ton (2000 lb) used in the US.

Or the metric tonne (1000 kg), used everywhere people have a taste for logic.
Fun fact: the long ton is equal to exactly 2240 pounds.

Why 2240, you might ask? (And I honestly feel that would be a good question at this point.)
Read 9 tweets
Il me semble un peu contradictoire, en France, de fustiger contre des emprunts directs de l’anglais comme le cloud ou les smartphones quand on dira sans scrupule qu’on va:

mettre ses baskets

pour aller faire un jogging

puis passer vite fait au pressing

#xl8 #thread 1/7
avant de se faire une petite coupe-brushing

puis faire un peu de zapping avant le prime.

(Rien de tout ça ne se dit en anglais d’ailleurs.)

Les calques (par ex. « ça fait sens ») sont pires que les emprunts Ă  la limite, parce qu’ils sont insidieux. Ils se glissent dans la langue et souvent, ils finissent par se remarquer Ă  peine.

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#MotsActu Aux États-Unis, c’est de nouveau le “shutdown” depuis le 21 dĂ©cembre, entend-on dans la presse. Qu’est-ce que c’est ? Est-ce que ça finira bientĂŽt ? Le BdT vous propose une explication et des solutions pour Ă©viter de reprendre le mot tel quel. — #thread
Le “government shutdown” a lieu quand le CongrĂšs et le prĂ©sident ne s’entendent pas sur l’enveloppe et l’affectation du budget fĂ©dĂ©ral. En l’absence d’accord, tous les services publics fĂ©dĂ©raux jugĂ©s non essentiels ferment et les fonctionnaires ne sont pas payĂ©s.
Comment dĂ©crire cette notion en français ? Voici nos propositions : paralysie administrative, fermeture partielle des services publics fĂ©dĂ©raux, arrĂȘt ou suspension des administrations. #traduction #xl8
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Tengo un panorama que empieza a partirme el corazón. Hace unos meses que gestiono un pequeño equipo de traductoras externas y la reacción cuando me piden un día mås y se lo doy sin problemas o les explico que no queremos que trabajen durante el fin de semana por nosotros es...
No sĂ© describirla. Una de ellas incluso parece sentir cierto rechazo cuando en algĂșn encargo las aviso de antemano de que la fecha de entrega puede ser flexible si esa semana tienen mucha carga de trabajo. Si te dejan hacerlo bien a ti, es fĂĄcil conseguir mĂĄrgenes amplios.
Teniéndolos, es posible dar fechas de entrega generosas y que ademås te queden varios días mås de sobra para posibles imprevistos, aunque ya estén contemplados en la fecha original. Y así, en épocas de urgencia extrema, la gente arrima el hombro sin pensårselo dos veces.
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Hoy se cumplen 15 años de la muerte de Johnny Cash y me he acordado de mi primer profesor de Traducción con una sonrisa. Aviso a navegantes: se abre hilo de abuela cebolleta sobre mi experiencia como estudiante (y profesora) de Traducción e Interpretación #xl8 #1nt
CorrĂ­a el año 2003 y yo estaba empezando la carrera (#madredelamorhermosoquĂ©viejasoy #vamosamorirtodos #inserteaquĂ­suquejadeanciano) y, aunque aĂșn no lo sabĂ­a, tuve la inmensa suerte de que mi profesor de IntroducciĂłn a la TraducciĂłn de primero fuese el gran RamĂłn Garrido.
No era muy popular entre el alumnado: su aspecto y severidad imponían respeto, y los alumnos de otros cursos consiguieron que su fama le precediese y le tuviésemos MUCHO miedo. Puntuaba con dureza, cualquier falta de ortografía se convertía en suspenso automåtico, y sobre todo...
Read 15 tweets

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