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Dec 3rd 2021
In January of this year, photos started bouncing round the internet of this deeply weird thing happening in the sky above Glasgow. Photoshop trickery?

The bizarre truth:
- yes, everyone really saw these
- no, they're not faked or manmade
- they absolutely don't exist.


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Here's the same thing happening above London (the other one, in Ontario, Canada) in 2018.

Again: these *aren't* spotlights shining upwards. They alse aren't the Northern Lights.

Also, they aren't actually there, even though everyone can see them.

Deep, deep weirdness.

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From a year early, again in Ontario (North Bay this time):

Yes, they come in different colours too.

Really gorgeous, right? Like an incredibly relaxing version of fireworks that even dogs could get behind.

(And yes, dogs should be able to see them too.)

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