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Jun 5th 2018
We're in it, folks! This is our D Day Reenactment. For the next 17 hours we'll bring you an "as it happened" play-by-play of The Division's actions during D Day.
Follow along, ask questions, comment.
We're typing this as we go cuz we want to interact w/ u
Let's set the table here for our #AADDayReenactment. We'll be recounting events in Eastern Standard Time as they happened in Central European Time.

We'll be bringing you cool tidbits, maps, stories, and personalities.

Throughout it, we want to hear from you
Here is (in part) the 82nd's D Day mission: "Land astride the Merderet River. Seize, clear, & secure the general area w/in its zone. Capture Ste-Mere-Eglise, seize & secure crossings of the Merderet River at La Fiere & Chef-du-Pint & destroy the crossings of the Douve River."
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