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Mar 24th 2021
New Preprint ๐ŸŽ‰

"Methodological considerations for studying neural oscillations"

With Natalie Schaworonkow (@nschawor) and Bradley Voytek (@bradleyvoytek), we review key methodological issues and concerns for analyzing oscillatory neural activity.

We use simulated data to demonstrate and describe 7 key issues we think should always be considered for measuring neural oscillations.

We try and review and pull together recommendations, citing and combining topics from across the current literature.

#tweeprint #AcademicEEG The image is a "graphical abstract", showing some
#1: Neural oscillations are not always present.

Neural activity contains aperiodic activity, which has power across all frequencies, and can appear rhythmic.

To validate oscillation specific power, analyses should start with a detection step, verifying oscillatory presence. Figure 1 from the paper. A shows a Dirac delta function, wit
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