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As parliament debate #AccessToNature today, a personal essay.

Deep in my valley is a tree so old it makes my bones ache. There are only a handful like it in the country, and its boughs harbour some of our oldest stories.

Yet almost no-one has ever seen it. 🧵 Image
That’s because it resides on a 5,000 acre private estate at the border of England & Wales.

The estate is old: Norman Conquest old. With the same family, the Scudamores, holding it since the 11th century.

But the tree is older still... Image
The Jack O’Kent Oak is named after a folk trickster of the border country, famed for outwitting the devil. Jack is said to have tied his hounds to the tree’s trunk, and discoursed with the devil from its branches.

He is our valley’s Twm Siôn Cati. Our poundshop Doctor Faustus. Image
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