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Oct 5th 2021
#Avarice,while I'll not blame anyone,for it's my own avarice ,that nearly killed me recently;the lesson I learnt was how well people ,who pretentious at every step,understand your avarice and make a killing, a brilliant strategy.. yes,I'll not deny my avarice,as it was my life
and physical health involved - and honestly I thank people who work in consortium, on such issues - the lesson was bitter,painful and above all a great lesson,indeed and I learnt helluva of a lot(more on this later); however I'm not one who lies down and take things as they're,
I'm just waiting for my health to pick up for the better,before I not only dwell into the subject,but will make understand ,how ones own avarice is used so cleverly by these holier than thou,great noble souls, and use your gullibility so well,you're left holding the can.
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