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May 18th 2023
#AIforNonprofits Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world, and nonprofits are no exception. AI can be a powerful tool for nonprofits, offering various opportunities to enhance their operations, improve efficiency, and increase impact....

/1 (A thread)
In this thread, we consider some of the ways that nonprofits are leveraging, and can leverage AI in their work. Aware that nonprofits are usually the last to come to the party of technoclogical advancements even though they are at the cutting edge of solving wicked probledms.../2
Looking at the nature of AI, and what initial uses it has been applied to, the following are obvious to benefit from Ai: 1). Nonprofits deal with vast amounts of data, including donor information, program outcomes, and demographic data.../3 #AiforNonprofits
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