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Oct 26th 2019
UPA supporters blaming VBA & AIMM 4 "cutting votes" & UPA loss in 25 seats, let's understand the nuances. Politics is a spectrum, there isn't just a left & right. Every political agenda has a right to exist. We aren't a 2 party system. We are in danger of 1party system tho.
Those who voted for #VBA & #AIMM had a choice. They could have voted for UPA if they felt concerned that their votes would "go wasted". Many have weighed this decision and decided that UPA didn't fit in their plans & they would rather risk a Right candidate winning than vote for
Someone from the Left who wouldn't. They wanted to make a point, and they did. If you have to blame anybody, blame those voters, not the parties. But also ask why they didn't choose UPA against "the common enemy"
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