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Nov 24th 2019
#HematologyTweetstory 8: Auer rods! These peculiar cell inclusions are a worrisome finding, defining an immature blast cell as one of myeloid lineage… and they are also probably mis-named. This image is from a chapter I wrote for a board review book @MayoClinic circa 2007. /1
Eponymous John Auer (1875-1948) was from Rochester, New York. He got his BS @UMich, started his medical training at @HopkinsMedicine in 1898, then moved to @RockefellerInst in 1903 where he worked on anesthesia (and also married Dr. Clara Meltzer, the daughter of his mentor.) /2
In 1906, in #AJMS, Auer described peculiar rod-shaped structures in the blood cells of a 21 y/o Spanish-American War veteran who presented to Osler’s service @HopkinsMedicine with tonsillitis and epistaxis, and was found to have anemia and leukocytosis. Their diagnosis: ALL. /3
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