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Feb 21st 2022
This week on my podcast, I read the final part of "The Internet Heist," my @Medium series on the copyright wars' early days, when the entertainment and tech giants tried to leverage the digital TV transition into a veto over every part of our lives.… 1/ The MPAA's 'You Wouldn't Steal a Car' graphic; 'a Car' has b
In Part I, I described the bizarre #BroadcastFlag project, where Hollywood studios and Intel colluded with a corrupt congressman (later @phrma's top lobbyist) to ban any digital product unless it had DRM and blocked free/open source software:… 2/
In Part II, I recount the failure of the Broadcast Flag (killed by a unanimous Second Circuit decision), and how the studios pivoted to "plugging the #AnalogHole": mandatory kill-switches for recorders to block recording of copyrighted works:… 3/
Read 25 tweets
Feb 14th 2022
This week on my podcast, I read the second part of "The Internet Heist," a series of three articles about the weirdest, most far-reaching, most bonkers battle of the copyright wars of the early 2000s.… 1/ The MPAA's 'You Wouldn't Steal a Car' graphic; 'a Car' has b
Last week, I read out Part I of the series, which told the story of the #BroadcastFlag, wherein the movie studios and TV broadcasters conspired with a corrupt Congressman to make it illegal to build a general-purpose computer unless it had DRM.… 2/
The Broadcast Flag's notional purpose was to prevent high-def digital TV broadcasts from being captured and shared online. 3/
Read 45 tweets

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