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Jan 21st 2022
Greeting #Kpop pickers!

Scottish Breakdown 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 all devices πŸ“Š

#OrkneyIslands hodling atπŸ₯‡178.6 devices per πŸ’―k population, ZERO change from last quarter! πŸ€”

#Stirling stillπŸ₯ˆ@ 126.5, +3%

#EastLothian πŸ₯‰@ 118.6, +4%! 🦈

#NahEileananSiar still 4th @ 100.7, also unchanged!
#Orkney, #Stirling, #EastLothian #WesternIsles #ArgyllandBute all remain* in the 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 "πŸ’― Club"** with #Highland soon to join (+3%, 98.1)?

* total number of devices can go DOWN as well as up, remeber?

** Local Authority areas with β‰₯ πŸ’― devices (of all kinds) per πŸ’― k population.
Down? Yes. @DfTstats used @zap_map stats for publicly available charging devices at all speed "operational at midnight" of the 1st day of the Quarter,

Users likely disproportionately report unsuccessful charging sessions and not all CPOs report "network status" to override this Image
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