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Dec 15th 2022
Undeniably among our planet’s most prevalent, dangerous, and vexing pathogens—always has been—from 1600s Thomas Sydenham (clear clinical descriptions) to 1800s Theodor Billroth (identified the bacterium/genus) to 1900s Rebecca Lancefield (developed typing scheme)

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Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A Strep) expresses a diverse array of virulence factors allowing it to avoid host immune clearance by antimicrobial peptides, complement, antibodies, and phagocytes—plus potent toxins that damage cells or provoke uncontrolled inflammation

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Why isn’t there a Group A Strep vaccine to prevent the annual global burden of ~700 million cases of strep throat or impetigo, ~200,000 deaths from invasive infections, and ~300,000 deaths from rheumatic heart disease triggered by recurrent Group A Strep infections?

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