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Jul 16th 2020
Assam Floods: who cares?

* 68 people died.
* More than 34 lakhs people affected across 30 districts.
* As many as 487 relief camps have been set up in which over 1.25 lakh people have taken shelter.
* 66 animals die in Kaziranga National park.

It’s been months since floods are wreaking havoc in Assam. And this is not the first time, every year Assam faces the same crisis and reamains unheard.

If a similar situation happened in any other state, the govt. and the media took no time in declaring it a national calamity.
Compare it with the coverage Mumbai or Delhi’s waterlogging gets in prime time news. Even a puddle of water in Mumbai is enough to make to the front pages or prime time.
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