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Mar 10th 2022
#AutoGluon 0.4 is officially released. It's a big update with better performance (up to 90% win rate), better speed (up to 2x faster), removed dependencies, more compatibility (full Windows support), and more models. 151 commits from 14 contributors. 🧵 1/
To get started on #Windows follow the instructions at… - TL;DR 1) Install Anaconda; 2) Install Python 3.9, pip and wheel; 3) pip install PyTorch 1.10.1; 4) pip install autogluon. 2/
Text support got a massive upgrade. It now supports @huggingface transformer backbones and uses @PyTorchLightnin. Relative to the 0.3 release, the 0.4 release has an over 70% win rate. We support multiple languages and transfer learning. 3/
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