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May 6th 2022
I really had high hopes for #TheRedSleeve at the #BaeksangArtsAwards2022 . Congrats to #LeeJunHo for best actor & popularity award : this amazing actor has finally his season! He’s getting what he deserved for #JustBetweenLovers .Even if every nominee deserved to win, I can’t ….
…help to be disappointed for #TheRedSleeve cast & god Ji In. I wanted them to get the #BaeksangArtsAwards2022 recognition they deserved for all the joy (& pain) they brought to us. I’m specially disappointed for #LeeSeYoung . Even if I knew she could miss the best actress award.
I really wanted her to have it (don’t misunderstand me: Kim TaeRi nailed it as Hee Do). Because #LeeSeYoung is such a dedicate & passionate actress, I wanted to see that her efforts haven’t betrayed her. For someone who almost quit acting, this award would have been the proof…
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May 5th 2022
#TheRedSleeve challenge : the poem North wind from the book of odes #LeeSeYoung #LeeJunHo #BaeksangArtsAwards2022 #BaeksangArtsAwards
The book of odes plays a main role in #TheRedSleeve. It’s one of san’s favorite book. He offered it to Deok Im when they went together to the bookstore. She would read the poem during his lockdown and then let the book in his room, despite Yeongjo’s orders #LeeSeYoung #LeeJunHo
The Book of odes (Shih-ching) is the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry, comprising 305 works dating from the 11th-7th centuries BC, said to have been compiled by Confucius. It has been studied and by scholars in China over two millennia #TheRedSleeve
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May 4th 2022
#TheRedSleeve challenge : peak comedy scene - court ladies maids can be really frightening #BaeksangArtsAwards2022 #Baeksang #BaeksangArtsAwards #LeeSeYoung #LeeJunHo
As i said many times before, what of the best aspects of #TheRedSleeve is the author’s ability to mix comedy & drama genres.
It loosened up the atmosphere when things may become too heavy. #LeeSeYoung #LeeJunHo
In this scene, Deok Im has been gone for a while at the queen’s palace (the number 1 rival of San). Plus San has seen Deok Ro & Deok Im in the middle of the night very close to each of other…So, San, jealous, is pissed off and no court lady maid want to be near him #TheRedSleeve
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