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Mar 15th 2022
A Small Favour #kacchako #bakuraka #dynavity
-rated M
-Camgirl Ochako
-Pro Heroes

/Ball up, Ochako./

She squeezed her eyes and fists shut, steeling her nerves. She could do this. She was confident. She was cool, calm, and collected.
She was a bad bitch with a favour to ask, and he was totally lucky that he was the first person that came to mind. He would be thanking her for this. This was an /honour/ and a /privilege./

Yeah. Right.
She was just waiting for him to be alone, she told herself. It wasn’t that she was embarrassed. She wouldn’t feel shame over this. It was a perfectly acceptable way to make some extra cash, and so what if it was shocking or lewd or whatever. She was a grown-ass woman!
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