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Jan 17th 2022


Home For A Rest
Band: Spirit of the West
Year: 1990
Genre: Folk Rock
Path To The Semifinals: defeated Mama Let Him Play, Eyes Of A Stranger, Raise A Little Hell
Typically Sang At: 1am, half singing and half screaming the words while awkwardly dancing

Baby Beluga
Artist: Raffi
Year: 1980
Genre: Children's
Path To The Semifinals: defeated Full Metal Jackoff, Summer of '69, Making It Work, We're Here For A Good Time
Typically Sang At: your small child, softly, while they fall asleep

Read 9 tweets
Jan 10th 2022

The first round of #bcsongbracket to determine the best song in British Columbia has begun!

Today, we go from 44 entries to 32, with the top seeds in each era getting a bye to the second round.

who is ready to be ANGRY about THINGS THAT DON'T MATTER
Let's start with the classic side, beginning with the second song entry for two of B.C.'s most iconic bands.

Ocean Pearl may not the favourite song of all 54-40 fans, but it's arguably their most listened to hit.

But is it a match for Loverboy's 80s anthem Turn Me Loose?
Speaking of artists with two songs in the bracket, Spirit of the West's Home For A Rest could be the favourite to win it all — but they also have If Venice Is Sinking.

Is the Spirit spirit so deep it can defeat Roxy Roller, one of the most enduring glam rock hits of the 70s?
Read 17 tweets
Jan 10th 2022
oh god i made too many polls

anyhow, it's time for the last chance votes for #bcsongbracket, which will now be 44 songs deep instead of 48 because math is hard!

Up first: the iconic artists of the 70s and 80s!
next: iconic artists of the 90s to present!

we've got Spirit of the West, Nelly Furtado, and Carly Rae Jepsen all looking for a coveted second entry
next, Doucette's Mama Let Him Play, Grapes of Wrath's All The Things I Wasn't, Skinny Puppy's Assimilate, and Long John Baldry's (deep breath) "Don't Try To Lay No Boogie-Woogie On The King of Rock & Roll" try and get the final slot in our early era quadrant
Read 8 tweets
Jan 10th 2022
Time for the 90s and 21st century play-in rounds for #bcsongbracket!

We've got TEN WHOLE POLLS to get through, because you nominated many many songs and it's important you have a chance to see a bunch of them fail the popular voting test.
First: I'm giving these artists two chances to get through the qualifying rounds based on nominations:

- Rascalz
- Odds
- Swollen Members
- Grimes
- Matthew Good

Both of the songs will be in the same poll, but there will be some last chance votes in case vote splitting happens.
First: the Rascalz vote!

Northern Touch was more iconic, some prefer Top Of The World, but they'll have to get past a couple of other beloved acts from the 90s first.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
who is ready for more #bcsongbracket

up next: play-in votes from songs of the 70s and 80s!

just 25 or so more polls to go today people!
B.C.'s music scene was dominated by mainstream rock vs. punk, so we're gonna try and highlight those battles.

But first, a vote of softer rock songs, an Ian Tyson song about B.C. (he was born in Victoria, so it counts), and the 1910s labour song "Where The Fraser River Flows"
Next, let's put up a couple influential Art Bergmann punk classics up against a couple big 70s hits AND LET THE CHAOS REIGN
Read 9 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
Next stage of #bcsongbracket is here!

(i am sorry for the number of polls today, will try and use the hashtag regularly so people can mute if they want to ignore this)

Anyhow, there are a few iconic B.C. bands and performers that deserve two songs.

But who will they be?
Does Bryan Adams get two songs?

Probably — unless a bunch of people really prefer one of Chilliwack's most famous hits instead.

Working for the Weekend and Here for a Good Time are in, but what joins them?
Read 7 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
One of the 48 entries in the #bcsongbracket is going to be a novelty song, and we're gonna do a couple quick polls to determine which one it is.

First, the somewhat plausible entries!
Next: the songs that could Canuck the Crow the bracket!

- "Something's Happening" is the famous Expo Song
- "Vancouver" is the less famous Expo Song that I love dearly and tweet out as a joke regularly
- "Vancouver Song" is the slightly ironic/infamous YouTube song
Time for the vote for the 48th seed!

The song of the 2010 Olympics:

versus the song of Vancouver's 100th anniversary:

Modern earworm vs. 80s cheese. Only one makes the main bracket.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
we have so many play-in polls for #bcsongbracket, which we'll do over the next 24 hours to determine our 48-entry tournament

first, let's determine the automatic entry for some of our more iconic artists that didn't have an overwhelming favourite

beginning with sarah mclachlan
You're at the Commodore. It's a 54-40 show. Which song are you most looking forward to hearing?
Now head back another decade. It's Doug and the Slugs. Who you choosing?
Read 9 tweets

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