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Nov 15th 2022
"Beta-2" has arrived.

This second testnet brings cross-chain bridging to Fuel, paving the way for the next generation of Ethereum scalability.…
Beta-2 marks an important milestone in our journey towards Fuel mainnet, a modular execution layer that will bring maximum security and highest flexible throughput.
Since the first public Fuel testnet "beta-1", we have seen over 130,000 transactions in the span of 2 months, and 10 applications have publicly launched on Fuel.

Beta-2 opens up new possibilities.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 8th 2022
Introducing "beta-1", the first modular execution layer developer-facing Fuel testnet!

This marks a new milestone in our road towards Fuel mainnet — a modular execution layer (MEL) that will provide never-before-seen scalability to Ethereum with parallel transaction execution.…
Developers may now deploy contracts to testnet at will—no permission or whitelisting required—and users may interact with deployed contracts as well.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
Today, we're proud to announce $80M of support led by @blockchaincap and @stratosxyz!

Fuel is the fastest Modular Execution Layer delivering the highest flexible throughput with maximum security guarantees for the Ethereum ecosystem.…
Blockchains are still not globally accessible and available. Scaling compute remains a road block.

Fuel aims to change this by using the power of modular design, new thinking around blockchain processing and new kinds of tools empowering developers like never before.
Read 14 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
1/ Today, I will try to explain in the simplest way possible what a 🧱 modular blockchain is, and why going #BeyondMonolithic is a necessary step for blockchain scalability.

Let's unwind a 🧵.
2/ As you may know, there are 3 challenges blockchains are facing today:

⚡️ Scalability: Throughput of the system.
🌐 Decentralization: How many nodes are running.
🔐 Security: Attack vulnerability.

No monolithic blockchain managed to properly balance all 3 simultaneously yet.
3/ To work properly, a blockchain has different but complementary functions to handle:

🌐 Consensus
💿 Data Availability
🔒 Settlement
⚙️ Execution

Handling these 4 functions at the same time on a single layer makes a blockchain monolithic, which most blockchains are today.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
Today I will discuss why the FuelVM is the EVM but greatly improved and what this means for the future of blockchain.

#EveryComputationMatters #BeyondMonolithic

There are countless approaches ready for implementation to improve EVM performance. However, many of them would break backwards-compatibility of the Ethereum protocol, and a lot of dapps in the process.

There is a need to start fresh.
Execution layers built on top of Ethereum give us a new opportunity to build something better. Designs don’t need to be backward compatible and in fact can do whatever is necessary to deliver global throughput and adoption for Ethereum.

Execution layers provide a path forward.
Read 41 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
SwaySwap, a blazingly fast dex for the Fuel devnet, is out. A short thread on how Fuel @fuellabs_ eliminates the need for token approvals.

This means fewer transactions to interact with a dapp, and no infinite-approvals i.e. more secure in case of hacks.

While ETH can be *pushed* with contract calls on Ethereum, ERC-20 tokens cannot. `approve` and `transferFrom` must be used (in two separate transactions) to first approve an amount of tokens for a receiving contract to *pull*, then for the receiving contract to actually pull.
This leads to poor UX and higher cost: 2 txs instead of 1.

To work around this, many apps use infinite approvals, where you approve the contract to use your entire token balance. Problem: if the contract is exploitable, *all* your tokens are gone.

Read 4 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
What is a Modular Execution Layer? Let's dissect, a 🧵
Fuel defines a Modular Execution Layer as:

"A verifiable computation system designed for the modular blockchain stack."

More concretely, a fraud- or validity-provable blockchain (or other computation system) that leverages a modular blockchain for data availability.
Why is modular execution important?

L2s built on monolithic chains have failed to keep costs low. This is because current rollups optimize for the small amount of DA capacity provided by the monolithic present rather than the enormous capacity available in the modular future.
Read 7 tweets

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