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Oct 8th 2022
Traders biggest dilemma is when to book profit

Here is simple solution which I m using from many years.

This not based on any indicators .

( Based on pure price action & days low)

I am swing breakout trader so I will tell you this thread 🧵 how I book profit
1⃣ #bgrenergy I took trade after 52 week high broken and find little consolidation near major resistance zone.

In same day up 20% then next day 10%

In 3rd day when it broken previous days low I exited half . (Another half after 20% move again low broken )
2⃣ #precisionwire

Gap Up opning near resistance zone .

Entered & after 4 days low broken exited at 16% profit
Read 5 tweets
Jan 12th 2022
The Trader biggest dilemma is when to book profit

Here is simple solution which I m using from many years.

This not based on any indicators .

( Based on pure price action & days low)

I am swing breakout trader so I will tell you this thread 🧵 how I book profit 👇
1⃣ #bgrenergy I took trade after 52 week high broken and find little consolidation near major resistance zone.

In same day up 20% then next day 10%

In 3rd day when it broken previous days low I exited half . (Another half after 20% move again low broken ) ImageImage
2⃣ #precisionwire

Gap Up opning near resistance zone .

Entered & after 4 days low broken exited at 16% profit ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Jan 2nd 2022
Here is simple trick for finding upper circuit call 👇

First check top gainer of today 6% to 20% in (small/mid cap) stocks👇…

Then use that 5 filters for find out next days UC calls 👇
1⃣stock must be near all time high or 52 week high.

Ex - #Smartlink after BO all time high blasted 💥💣

#BGRENERGY recently broke 52 weeks high .
2⃣ Stock should be low market cap less then 10K CR

Ex - #smatlink - 1833 CR
Read 6 tweets
Jan 2nd 2022
Magic of Multi-Year Breakout
1. It is well-established fact any counter which gives a multi-year breakout, it gives exponential returns in the shortest time frame.
2. Pre-requisites for Multi-Year Breakout
(a) Turn around in company philosophy and/or management and/or profit generation.
(b) Govt Policies e.g. Ethanol blending, scrappage policy, make in India, various PLI schemes. #Multi_Year_Breakout
2. Pre-requisites for Multi-Year Breakout - Contd...
(c) Crisis e.g. Covid, Semiconductor shortages.
(d) Brownfield or Greenfield investment starts paying.
(e) Market maturity e.g. Rising interest in platforms business #Multi_Year_Breakout
Read 48 tweets

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