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Mar 25th 2021
We're supposed to be attracted to one, opposite, binary gender.

We've made some progress toward deleting "opposite."

The rest of it is still being defended fully, invisibly, and viciously.

This #BiHealthMonth, I want everyone to understand what that really means. A yellow lightning bolt ban...A small yellow lightning bo...The yellow lightning bolt a...A yellow lightning bolt in ...
* Yes, these numbers are real.
* What are the 2 resources? @NetworkBi (in the UK but also online), and the CPT group I'm about to start (info below).
* Why no aces? Bc these studies didn't give those stats. But FYI, the stats for aces are consistently closest to bisexuals.
* Yes, all this includes "straight-passing" bisexuals.

Think about it: do closeted gay and trans people avoid oppression?

No. They may avoid direct attacks by hiding, but they develop hypervigilance and anxiety, and become isolated and depressed. Every relationship is a threat.
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