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Mar 4th 2023
It’s dark and cold out, a good day for sleeping, but birds need to be seen!

#birds #birding #birders #BirderProblems Image
Grabbed my friend and away we go! Image
Long day. Now to collapse at hotel. Detoured for a crane that wasn’t there but enjoyed many Horned Larks. Despite a chilly rain, we found our 1 target species for the day. Not sure exotic-but-established deserve #LiferPie, so settled for McDs cinnamon roll😂 #BirdsSeenIn2023…
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Jan 14th 2022
Endemic subspecies have restricted ranges and many have a high chance of being declared a new species in the future. Taiwan is home to 54 endemic subspecies of bird. We will be sharing these with you over the coming days and weeks.

Black-naped Monarch (黑枕藍鶲)
#TaiwanNature Image
The Ring-necked Pheasant (環頸雉) is considered Least Concern by the IUCN yet Taiwan's endemic ssp is Critically Endangered mainly due to hybridization. They are primarily found in Taichung City, the Chianan Plain and along the east coast.

#BirdsSeenIn2022 #TaiwanNature Image
Taiwan's endemic ssp. of Slaty-legged Crake (灰腳秧雞) is extremely shy and difficult to see. It's easier to hear them call at night in spring and summer. An indigenous Tsou tribe legend says if you hear one at night, you'll see a Hundred-Pacer (百步蛇) in ten days!
#TaiwanNature Image
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