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Feb 20th 2023
Phala + Guna = #Phalguna. Phala means merits and Guna means qualities; last but not the least, #PHALGUNA maasa the 12th Lunar month is a highly auspicious month full of meritorious qualities.

(21.02.2023 to 21.03.2023)

Lord Vishnu in the name #Govinda is #MasaNiyamaka 🙏🙏🙏
कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय हरये परमात्मने॥
प्रणत: क्लेशनाशाय गोविंदाय नमो नम:॥

ಕೃಷ್ಣಾಯ ವಾಸುದೇವಾಯ ಹರಯೇ ಪರಮಾತ್ಮನೇ||
ಪ್ರಣತ: ಕ್ಲೇಶನಾಶಾಯ ಗೋವಿಂದಾಯ ನಮೋ ನಮ:||

కృష్ణాయ వాసుదేవాయ హరయే పరమాత్మనే||
ప్రణత: క్లేశనాశాయ గోవిందాయ నమో నమ:||
#KLESHA means grief/suffering/troubles/sorrows/obstacles...

#Avidya (ignorance);
#Asmita (egoism);
#Raga (craving);
#Dvesha (aversion);
#Abhinivesha (clinging to life) are

#PanchaKelsha, five hindrances for spiritual growth and are the root cause of all human suffering.
Read 18 tweets

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