Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #breastcancerawarenessmonth

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"Traición de la naturaleza"
(La lucha contra el cáncer de mama).

Un día, la naturaleza llevó la lucha por la supervivencia a los senos de la mujer. Atentó contra uno de los símbolos más sagrados que posee el ser humano, y golpeó, con saña, a nuestras madres.
Sin herramientas ni fármacos, otra vez la piedra del conocimiento debió tallarse rudimentariamente por siglos, para equilibrar la balanza. Indefenso, el hombre tuvo que cortar, y echó mano de los vestigios ancestrales de lo que hoy es la cirugía. Cortó, a destajo, cuerpo y alma.
La mastectomía apareció en el siglo II, d.C. siempre seguida del fuego ardiente que cauterizaba los vasos sangrantes; obvio no sería suficiente. 1200 años después empezaron a retirar los ganglios linfáticos axilares, tras entender que tendían a infestarse por el cáncer.
Read 28 tweets
THREAD: Israel denies Palestinians life-saving breast cancer treatment

When caught early breast cancer is usually treatable, but in Palestine, a breast cancer diagnosis can mean a death sentence because Israel denies Palestinians the right to life-saving treatment.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Palestinian women and one of the top health concerns. It accounts for 34.3% of all cancer diagnoses among Palestinian women in the Gaza Strip and 32% in the West Bank.
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For #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth, let’s dive into a few facts and resources about the disease, as well as information about the screening and medications certain private plans must cover.
Among women in the U.S., breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death. Each year, about 264,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women. The death rate across the country was 19.1/100,000 people in 2020.… Image
The racial/ethnic inequities in breast cancer rates are concerning. Like cancers overall, White people had the highest rate of new female breast cancer (128/100,000), followed by Black people (121/100,000). However, Black people are far more likely to die.… Image
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пані, любі чудові дівчата і жінки і чоловіки
жовтень - це місяць настороженості з приводу раку грудей

Тому ТРЕД: про груди, онконастороженість, турботу про себе і трохи про Анджеліну Джолі Image
Рак молочної залози (далі РМЗ) - це дуже підла і тому поширена онкологія, про яку ми рідко говоримо навіть з найближчими подругами.

тому що страшно, тому що не хочеться вірити, що в 20 можна залишитися без грудей - «в мене такого не може бути….»
Може. У кожної з нас може. Тому прошу дочитати до кінця і поширити, а потім вмовити маму, бабусю, сестру і подругу на чек-ап молочних залоз. В кінці буде опис що, в якому віці і як перевіряти.

Read 16 tweets
🧵це не #sexymonday, це тред про #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth

Кожні півтори години в Україні помирає жінка від раку грудей.
Це перша причина смертності від раку серед жінок, але його можна виявити і вилікувати.
Коли рак виявлений на І стадії, шанси вилікуватись становлять 95%! Image
Є причини раку, на які ми не можемо повпливати - ранній початок менструацій чи рак в анамнезі у родичів. Але є те,що ми можемо зробити:
💕 здоровий спосіб життя
💕 підтримка нормальної ваги і до,і після менопаузи
💕 якщо є змога,годувати дітей хоча б 6 міс грудьми(можна й більше)
А ось міфи про причини раку грудей:
👎🏻 міф, що дезодоранти, а саме солі алюмінію і парабени в їх складі пов’язані з раком грудей - це неправда. А взагалі об’єм цих інгредієнтів, що абсорбується шкірою, такий же мізерний, як шанси росіі на перемогу. Дезодоранти не спричиняють рак!
Read 8 tweets
بریسٹ کینسر

آج کل بریسٹ کینسر کی وباء عام ہے ۔ کسی عمر میں بھی ہوسکتا ہے لیکن اکثر 30 سال سے زائد عمر کی خواتین میں ہوتا ہے۔ چھاتی میں کینسر کی ابتداء ایک خاص قسم کے ابھار یا سخت گلٹی کی صورت ہوتی ہے۔ پہلے پہلے جلد کے اندر محسوس ہوتی ہے، پھر ظاہر جلد تک واضح ہو جاتی ہے۔👇
مرض کا احساس ابتدا میں نہیں ہوتا کیونکہ گلٹی میں درد نہیں ہوتا..محض ایک ابھار سا معلوم ھوتا ہے. جو وقت گزرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ بڑھتا اور پھیلتا چلا جاتا ہے اور آہستہ آہستہ اس میں درد محسوس ہونے لگتا ہے ۔ اور شدید درد ہوتا ہے حتی کہ اس سے سرخی مائل مواد بہتا ہے۔ بریسٹ کینسر میں
رسولیوں کی وسعت بغل کے نیچے پیٹ کے نیچے نسوانی اعضاء تک جا پہنچتی ہے لیکن ٹیومرز کے اس پھیلاؤ میں کافی وقت لگ جاتا ہے۔

برسیٹ میں موجود ابھار یا گلٹی ضروری نہیں ہے کہ وہ کینسر کی ہو بلکہ عام طور پر سادہ گلٹی ہوتی ہے جو عام ادویہ سے ٹھیک ہو جاتی ہے .لیکن جب اس میں مواد متعفن
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اٹھائیس سالہ ایم فِل سوشیالوجی کی طالبہ نازیہ* نے نہاتے ہوئے محسوس کیا کہ چھاتی میں ایک اُبھار سا بنا ہوا ہے۔ ہاتھ لگانے پر کچھ گُھٹلی جیسا احساس ہوتا تھا۔ لیکن کوئی خاص درد تکلیف وغیرہ نہ تھی۔ اس نے سوچا والدہ سے ڈسکس کر لے گی۔ چند ہفتے یونہی بےدھیانی میں یاد نہ رہا۔
ایک دن دوبارہ نہاتے ہوئے اس طرف دھیان گیا تو ماں سے اس بارے مشورہ کر ہی لیا۔ ماں نے کہا کوئی درد یا تکلیف ہے تو دکھا لیتے ہیں ڈاکٹر کو، ساتھ مشورہ دیا کہ زیادہ مسئلہ نہیں لگ رہا تو پیاز باندھ لو اور ساتھ وظیفہ پڑھ لو یہ آپ ہی “گُھل” جائے گی۔ چند ہفتے وظیفہ پڑھا، اور پیاز بھی
باندھا اور ساتھ ساتھ زیتون کے تیل سے ہلکے ہاتھ مالش بھی کی۔ گویا نازیہ نے نفسیاتی طور پر اپنے آپ کو یقین دلا دیا کہ ٹوٹکوں سے ابھار کا سائز کچھ کم ہو گیا ہے۔ وہ مطمئن ہو گئی۔ ابھار اپنی جگہ موجود رہا۔ خاموش۔ کسی تکلیف یا درد کے بغیر۔ جیسے طوفان سے پہلے سمندر ہوتا ہے۔

Read 12 tweets
Value Based healthcare has played a very important role in closing quality-care gaps for all chronic diseases.
As per journals, a VBC model increased livelihood probability in females and reduced whopping $4 Millions
Read more:…
Can a similar model be applied in India ?
What are your thoughts on implementing Value-Based care for a chronic disease like Breast Cancer in India?
#MedTwitter #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #MedEd #ValueBasedHealthcare #MedicareForAll
Read more about the Value Based Healthcare model in USA here -…
Read 4 tweets

➡️Uzi maalumu wenye jumbepicha ili kusaidia wanawake wapate kufahamu dalili za kansa

➡️Tafadhali sambaza isaidie wengi

Credit: Know Your Lemons

➡️Saratani ya titi ni kati ya saratani zinazowaathiri zaidi wanawake. (Namba 2 chini ya saratani ya shingo ya kizazi)

➡️Mwaka 2020 Tanzania kulikuwa na wagonjwa wapya 3992 wa saratani ya matiti (hawa ni wale waliofika kwenye vituo vya Afya) wengi huchelewa tiba

Uelewa ni muhimu
➡️Kuwa na uelewa kuhusu mwili wako na kuweza kugundua mabadiriko ni moja ya njia bora ya kulinda afya yako.

➡️Hii ina umuhimu mkubwa hasa linapokuja suala la matiti kwa wanawake.

Kwa wastani mwanamke 1 kati ya 8 huwa na uwezekano wa kupata saratani ya matiti kwa maisha.
Read 17 tweets
#breastCancerAwarenessMonth ramblings: I've been thinking about the words #fighter/#warrior/etc for #cancer patients recently. These thoughts have to go somewhere so here they are.
I'm one of the people these words apply to. Or they don't, idk.
If you don't know, I was diagnosed with #breastCancer in the spring of 2020, right on time for the first wave of the corona virus hitting my home.
It was a horrible time and it still often enough is.
I've used the fighter imagery, the hashtags #fightLikeAGirl and #strongAF and I have a bracelet that says "warrior" gifted to me by my sis for the first post-C Christmas that makes me ridiculously proud. Yet I know the flaws in that metaphor.
Read 12 tweets
Each year, about 55,000 women and 390 men are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK.

Today, we want to highlight some of the signs and symptoms you can look out for. Image
Symptoms include:
🟢 a lump or swelling in the breast or armpit
🟢 thickening of the skin or tissue of the breast or dimpling of the skin
🟢 change in the shape of the breast
🟢 nipple turning in
🟢 rash on the nipple
🟢 discharge or bleeding from the nipple
🟢 pain in the breast
If you have any of these symptoms or notice anything that is unusual for you, it is important to have them checked by a GP.

Read more:…

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The chance that a woman will die from breast cancer in developed countries is 1 in 40 (remember that 1 out of 8 women will have breast cancer). Therefore, in a theater of one thousand women, 25 will die from breast cancer.
This means that if regular mammography screening was really reducing breast cancer death by 20%, more than 5 women out of 1000 have been saved by regular mammography screening (since the above numbers are in countries with national screening).
Read 5 tweets
அக்டோபர்"மார்பக புற்றுநோய் விழிப்புணர்வு மாதம்", மார்பக புற்றுநோயின் தாக்கம் குறித்த விழிப்புணர்வை ஏற்படுத்துவதற்கான பிரச்சாரங்கள் நடந்து வருகின்றன.அதே போல மார்பக புற்றுநோய் குறித்த கட்டுக்கதைகளையும் தெரிந்து கொள்வது அவசியம், அது தேவையில்லாத பயத்தை போக்க உதவும் #Thread
(1/n) Image
கட்டுக்கதை no.1 :- உங்கள் மார்பில் ஒரு கட்டி இருப்பதை கண்டுபிடித்தால், அது உங்களுக்கு மார்பகப் புற்றுநோய் இருப்பதைக் குறிக்கிறது !?

உண்மை :- மார்பகக் கட்டிகளில் ஒரு சிறிய சதவீதம் மட்டுமே புற்றுநோயாக மாறும்.

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ஆனால் உங்கள் மார்பகத்தில் தொடர்ந்து புதியதாக மார்பக திசுக்களில் ஏதேனும் மாற்றங்களைக் கண்டால், அதை ஒருபோதும் புறக்கணிக்கக்கூடாது. மார்பக பரிசோதனைக்காக மருத்துவரை அணுகுவது மிகவும் முக்கியம்.

(3/n) Image
Read 18 tweets
రొమ్ము క్యాన్సర్ ఎంత త్వరగా నిర్ధారణ అవుతే అంత త్వరగా దాని నుండి పూర్తిగా భయట పడవచ్చు.ముఖ్యంగా ఆడవారు వక్షోజాల స్వీయ పరీక్ష (BSE)తరచు చేసుకోవాలి. గట్టిగా గడ్డలు చేతికి అనిపిస్తే డాక్టర్ ని సంప్రదించాలి.
Check the comparison below.
#breastcancer #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth
వక్షోజాల స్వీయ పరీక్ష (steps to follow)
#BreastCancerAwareness #breastcancer
రొమ్ము క్యాన్సర్ లో తరచుగా ఉండే లక్షణాలు
12 common changes you may find that needs a doctor attention immediately
#breastcancer #knowyourlemons #BreastCancerAwareness
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Gracias a la Dra. @Gio_partida por ayudarnos de manera desinteresada en que todo quede de manera puntual. 🥳🥳


En el hilo verán unas imágenes que me autorizó Terese Winslow LLC de compartirles a través de este hilo. Uso exclusivo de Twitter, se prohíbe su reproducción en cualquier otro medio y/o motivo sin su autorización. Todo lo demás, úsenlo sin problemas 🤗🤗
Recuerden que esta información no sustituye guías ni literatura afines a cada especialidad. Simplemente considero que es información necesaria y actualizada que todo Médico debe de conocer para hacerle frente a la enfermedad.
Read 10 tweets
#breastradpath with @DrJordanaP

For #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth month we want to review the process from imaging to diagnosis of breast cancer. 1/ Image
It starts when a patient comes in for a screening or diagnostic mammogram. Here is @DrJordanaP reviewing #mammograms in the reading room. 2/ Image
Please review screening modalities in this amazing tweetorial from last week from @DrJordanaP! 3/

Read 24 tweets
Let me be very clear:

If you’re not pro-choice, you’re anti-choice. Full stop.

These people don’t shout “pro life!” in protest of gun violence, police violence, kids in cages, anti-maskers, etc.

Do they adopt the kids they force people to birth?

Do they financially support the families who want to abort bc they can’t afford a child?

Do they fight to ensure the person giving birth can get the healthcare they need?

Do they fight to fix the foster care system?

If they were “pro-life” they wouldn’t want 2 defund Planned Parenthood.

Don’t want abortion? PP offers birth control.

October is #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth. You know what PP offers? Breast exams.

Here’s a long lost of some of their other services.

Read 5 tweets
👇🏻A thread about #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth

I never thought much about breast cancer when I was younger.

My mom died of ovarian cancer when she was 52.

My grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer but she was old and had Alzheimer’s. I wasn’t worried.

But then in 2010, my first cousin once removed - also a college professor, coincidentally - died of metastatic breast cancer. Melanie was 44 years old. I was 38 at the time.

Early that year, I’d had a minor scare: a mammogram and ultrasound of a teeny tiny but palpable lump had been flagged as concerning. I had a stereotactic biopsy. All good.

Months later, another lump, another round of tests. All good.

But the seeds of worry had been planted.
Read 21 tweets
The new year begins and I usher into a scientific journey where I shall be challenging myself with scientific quest and reviewing a scientific article/blog/interview/technique or facts on a daily basis. (or at least try😉) #365DaysOfScience
Let the journey begin.
The most cited article (over 300,000 times) is the @jbiolchem paper for a technique to estimate protein concentration in a solution. The paper is "Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent".
Image: @nature Image
Yes, the classic Lowry's method was published in May 1951. This is a colourimetric assay which gives an estimation of the amount of protein based on a standard curve obtained from a protein of known concentration (usually BSA).
Read 833 tweets
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reports that there were 2,088,849 million new breast cancer cases in 2018. #OandoCares #BreastCancer #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth /1 Image
Any gender can be diagnosed with breast cancer, it's important to know how to do a self-examination. Early detection combined with effective treatment presents a good chance of a cure. #OandoCares #BreastCancer #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth /2
Click to see how to do a self-examination for women and for men.
#OandoCares #BreastCancer #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth
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RT #NoBraDay October 13
This day is celebrated without a bra because many women who have survived breast cancer can no longer go without wearing a bra because they need it to hold their prosthesis in place after undergoing surgery.
RT #breastcancerawareness #NoBraDay
No Bra Day is an annual observance on October 13 on which women are encouraged to forgo wearing a bra as a means to encourage breast cancer awareness. No Bra Day was initially observed on July 9, 2011, but within three years it had moved to October 13, Breast.
One sickness I can’t pray for anyone even that one person I hate most in this life to have is cancer. Love and light to everyone suffering from it. ❤️
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Can bras cause breast cancer?

Unless people experience breast cancer or are close to someone who does, they might not be able to separate myth from fact when it comes to #breastcancer.

So let's talk about the myths, causes and symptoms.

MYTH 1: If I don’t have a family history of breast cancer, I won’t get it.

FACT: Most people diagnosed with breast cancer have no known family history.
Many people think of breast cancer as an inherited disease. But only about 5–10% of breast cancers are believed to be hereditary, meaning they’re caused by abnormal changes (or mutations) in certain genes passed from parent to child.
Read 42 tweets
Pink October month - How would you detect breast cancer? Link to watch
Thank you @aznilnawawiHM 🎀❤️
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Newsday --- October 9th, 2018 --- Tues

Nov 6th, 2018
28 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
Newsday --- October 9th, 2018 --- Tues

Nov 6th, 2018
28 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
Newsday --- October 9th, 2018 --- Tues

Nov 6th, 2018
28 Days Until Mid-Terms

I am adopting "The Wictor Block" Rule:

Be smart/playful/sincere....Feels Good Man

You come at me too hard and aggressively....looking for a response:
I will Block and Move On.
Read 31 tweets

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