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Dec 26th 2022
Fuck absolutely everything about this weather and winter.

I finally ventured outside to start my car, let it run, and clean it off, and I couldn't even get to it because though it's maybe 30 feet away, the snow was about thigh-deep.

#BuffaloBlizzard #BuffaloStorm #BombCyclone
I couldn't even see outside all weekend because the absurdly fierce winds had blown snow so hard, and so sideways, that it plastered a layer of it onto all the windows.

Even when that melted today, the visibility still wasn't great.

#BuffaloBlizzard #BuffaloStorm #BombCyclone
It wasn't even until I was actually outside at ground level that I realized the other side of the street not only was all shoveled, but there was barely any depth to the snow on the lawns, and the porches were clear of any snow.

#BuffaloBlizzard #BuffaloStorm #BombCyclone
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