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Dec 30th 2022
year to come, or just by chilling and watching movies. All of those options are pretty relatable, but if you choose to relax, we’ve always got choices for you this New Year’s Eve. #C101コスプレ #CHAEUNWOO #VaaThalaivaa… Nobody has captured the blossoming of young love quite like Kenny Ortega. High School Musical was a phenomenon that centered on our two leads (played by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens) falling in love at a teenage New Year’s Eve party at a ski… lodge. “Start of Something New” is a New Year’s anthem, and it doesn’t hurt that the rest of the movie and songs are an easy, breezy fun watch.Within the Star Wars fandom, A New Hope has become sort of a New Year’s Eve movie. Why? Well, fans started the
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