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Jan 31st 2023
Today we’re marking 70 years since the one of the biggest natural disasters in recent UK history. The #Thames Estuary was one of the places worst hit.
This is a story of tragedy and devastation, but it led to changes that make millions of us safer today. A short thread 🧵 (1/11) At Erith, water rushes over a damaged flood wall at during t
On the night of 31 Jan 1953, as people slept, 3 things led to catastrophe:
1) low pressure pulled water from the Atlantic making a bulge in the North Sea;
2) winds from the NW blew the bulge of water south;
3) it was around full moon, when tides are strongest. (2/11) Map showing estimated height of surge in the North Sea. It i
Disaster struck as the bulge of water reached the coast. Sea walls were breached in over 1000 places, causing widespread flooding from Yorkshire to Kent. The #ThamesEstuary was badly hit. #Canvey Island and parts of north Kent were inundated. (3/11) A map of the east coast of England produced after the floods
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