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Ecco.. Negli #StatiUniti il tema dei soldi per l'#Ucraina sta diventando tossico. I membri del #Congresso chiedono un controllo totale della destinazione di questi fondi giganteschi. E di dove andranno a finire le nuove decine di miliardi richieste dal vecchio e imbarazzante
#Biden, che a #CapitolHill è stato giustamente definito il vicepresidente dell'Ucraina.. Era inevitabile, è la legge della politica. I Repubblicani, più forti dopo le elezioni, stanno cavalcando un'onda più grande contro i democratici. I Democratici stanno reagendo. Non fatevi
illusioni, continueranno ad essere stanziati ingenti fondi per militarizzare il regime ucraino. Questo fa parte del consenso russofobico delle élite politiche americane.. La cosa importante è un'altra. Diventerà sempre più difficile farlo. E l'umore degli americani comuni
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Donald #Trump ha promesso che se vincerà le elezioni nel 2024 concederà la grazia e rivolgerà le scuse complete a "molti" dei rivoltosi che hanno assaltato #CapitolHill il 6 gennaio 2021.
"Intendo grazia completa con scuse a molti", ha detto in un'intervista radiofonica #Trump, lasciando intendere che una mossa del genere sarebbe subordinata ad una sua nuova corsa vittoriosa alla Casa Bianca.
Attacco alla democrazia a parte, nella rivolta del Campidoglio sono morte 4 persone, un agente ha perso la vita il giorno dopo essere stato spruzzato con un agente chimico, 140 membri delle forze dell'ordine sono rimasti feriti.
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HAPPENING NOW: @USAfricaCommand Commander Gen. Stephen Townsend & @CENTCOM Commander Gen. Kenneth "Frank" McKenzie back on #CapitolHill, testifying before the House Armed Services Committee

Joined by @DeptofDefense UnderSec for Policy Sasha Baker
#China has made a decision, a deliberate decision to compete w/America in #Africa & win that competition" per @USAfricaCommand's Gen Townsend

"They compete primarily thru economic means & diplomatic means..."
"The primary thing that concerns me w/#China's military competition in #Africa is that they are seeking, actively seeking a military base on the #Atlantic Coast of Africa" per @USAfricaCommand's Gen Townsend

"That would be bad for America's security..."
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@EthereumDenver was a superspreader of spores for the new social fabric of #Web3.

#DigitalCredentials and #ReputationProtocols entangle into a symbiotic relationship - online and offline. 🧬

ICYMI: 5 #OpenRecognition moments into a single thread ⬇️ 🧵
/1 the Keynote. @provenauthority hypnotic narrative connects the above (#OnChain) with the below (#OffChain), the present (#Web2) with the future (#Web3) across one rainbow of Use Cases 🌈

See you on the dancefloor ! 🕺 @discoxyz

#VC #DIDs #W3C

/2 #P2P Reward systems. #Praise to @tokengineering research and #hail to #OpenScience. 🙏

Inverting the "Get cited or die" dark and toxic mantra of research.

#DAO #DeSci

@NEARProtocol @oceanprotocol @SputnikDAO

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THREAD: Vigils across America demanding action against #Pakistan for its inhuman treatment of Hindus & other minorities. The @chingariproject calls on all communities to join this movement to bring an end to abduction, forced conversion to Islam & rape of young girls in Pakistan.
Every day, in #Pakistan, 3 girls from the minority communities are kidnapped, forcibly converted and "married" off, often as 2nd and 3rd wives of Muslim men.
Many of these girls are as young as 12 and the men they are married off to, in their 30s and 40s. 2/n
Vigil participants in #Tampa #Florida, shared details of the atrocities committed on #Hindu, #Sikh and other minorities in #Pakistan. Many onlookers said that while they aware of Pakistan's toxic role in Afghanistan, few had heard about the crimes being committed within Pakistan.
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⚡DERNIERE MINUTE - #EtatsUnis : Menace à la bombe près du #Capitole à Washington. Le Congrès n'est pas en séance en cette semaine de vacances parlementaires, mais des employés fréquentent l'enceinte du bâtiment. La police entame une enquête. #CapitolHill #WashingtonDC Image
🔴 SUIVI - #EtatsUnis : "Il s'agit d'une enquête pour une menace de bombe", a précisé la police du Capitole. Le Congrès n'est pas en séance en cette semaine de vacances parlementaires, mais des employés fréquentent l'enceinte du #Capitole. #CapitolHill #WashingtonDC
🔴 SUIVI - #EtatsUnis : Photo d'un homme dans un pick-up près du Capitole prétendant avoir un engin explosif dans son véhicule. On aperçoit des billets de banque au sol. via @nirvananoir #CapitolHill #WashingtonDC Image
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"Months before the megachurch Hillsong opened its new outpost in Atlanta, its pastor sought advice on how to build a church in a pandemic.
From Facebook."
@elizabethjdias via @nytimes on FB's next business goal: shaping the future of religious experience.
The irony is not lost on us Image
Religion as a new marketing (and data harvesting) opportunity Image
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We are now LIVE tweeting 👇

“Left, Right and Woke: Rethinking Democracy and Technology”

with @MarietjeSchaake @KanchanGupta @PandaJay
@celinecalvez @nealmohan @JJCarafano

@MarietjeSchaake: The digital revolution has had a deep impact on public debate, including due to targeted advertising online that seeks to change user behaviour, especially voting choices.


@JJCarafano: It is important to distinguish between influencing voters -- a part of the regular democratic process -- and malicious activity manipulating voter choices. I do not see much empirical evidence for the latter.

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EXCLUSIVE: The man who rammed a car into Capitol Police, killing one, has been identified as Noah Green. Green was armed w/a large blade when he was shot dead. He identified as a follower of the black nationalist Nation of Islam movement.

FB has immediately deleted his profile.
I only had seconds to look at Noah Green's Facebook page before it was deleted. He was living in Norfolk, Va.

From what I saw, many of his posts were of a religious (Islamic) nature. He appeared to be a deeply devout follower of the Nation of Islam & went by the name, "Noah X."
Here is another photo of the deceased U.S. Capitol attacker (25-year-old Noah Green aka "Noah X") that I managed to save before Facebook deleted his entire profile. #NationofIslam #Capitol #CapitolHill
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Offizielle Warnung der #CapitolPolice: "Wir haben Informationen erhalten, die zeigen, dass eine identifizierte #Milizgruppe am Donnerstag, dem 4. März, das #Capitol möglicherweise durchbrechen wird. Wir nehmen die Informationen ernst." #capitolhill…
Hier ein ausführlicher Bericht vom Kollegen @felixhuesmann via @RND_de…
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@AOC che critica #Robinhood perché non lascia comprare #GameStop ai piccoli investitori è l'ultimo nonsense di un sistema impazzito. Comprare #GameStop oggi è come spendere 4 m. euro per 20mq a Tor Bella Monaca ("per far perdere gli speculatori") e volerci anche fare dei soldi
Le trading app come #RobinHood o #eToro usano le commissioni zero sul trading azionario come specchietto per gonzi. In realtà sono molto costose su derivati, leva finanziaria, trading di crypotovalute (dove indirizzano gran parte degli utilizzatori)
Le trading app come #RobinHood o #eToro non sono il riscatto dei piccoli sui titani di Wall Street o gli hedge fund, ma l'opposto: un sistema ben dissimulato per aspirare soldi dal basso della scala sociale verso l'alto. Dai piccoli risparmiatori a #WallStreet. Perché? Semplice..
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New: @FBINewYork report says "pre-operational planning" went in to Jan. 6 #CapitolRiot. Some "used amateur #hamradios & encrypted app, such as @signalapp, to communicate operational plans.”
“These individuals believed these communication methods were more secure than a cellular phone line. (Attackers) used call signs as opposed to their true names on these radios..."
"...The (attackers) programmed the frequencies of their radios prior to traveling to the Washington D.C. area. Accessories used with the amateur #hamradio included ear pieces, throat mic[rophone]s, and push-to-talk wrist buttons..."
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NEW FOOTAGE: a fantastically useful interactive timeline of >500 Parler videos from #CapitolHill was published by @propublica today.


h/t @Cleavon_MD…
2/ Nice: @propublica's @kleinmatic & @jeffykao have a (welcome & thoughtful!) explanation of their reasoning...

..And remind us of the need for nuance in thinking about the intentions of those filming... and what might be left out of frame.…
@propublica @kleinmatic @jeffykao Meanwhile, things are maturing & there are now multiple projects with ways to submit information privately.

NEVER share or amplify unconfirmed names.

If you feel certainty, the @FBI contact form is here:
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Di seguito alcune considerazioni sul mondo #social, #FreeSpeech e su #TrumpBanned.

Partiamo dal principio, inutile dire che l'avvento di internet prima e dei social ha cambiato radicalmente il ns. modo di rapportarci con i ns. simili, con i media, con la politica.
Molto spesso sentiamo parlare del concetto di neutralità della rete #NetNeutrality ovvero obbligare i fornitori di connettività a garantire senza limitazioni di accesso e velocità a qualsiasi servizio o piattaforma internet e/o senza avantaggiare un fornitore rispetto ad un altro
Cosa c'entro questo con i social?
Mi sono chiesto tante volte se i social con le loro piattaforme dovessero anch'essi garantire una sorta di neutralità dei contenuti e far circolare liberamente il "pensiero" degli utenti.
La risposta che mi sono sempre dato è no, per una serie
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Political Violence – a Perspective
The next time someone on the Left tries to take the moral high ground re: #CapitolHill riot, to pretend like #Republicans are the violent ones, please show them this.

A thread

Let’s go back, way back, and see what the Left has been up to.
Firstly, for comparison, lets look at the Right.

See below: all the Anti-Clinton and Anti-Obama and Anti-Biden protests.
4 listed against Hillary; None by Right-Wing groups.
9 listed against Obama; Only violence was in Greece.
1 (sortof) against Biden. Left-wing protest.
3/ So, as we can see, there hasn’t been much from the Right. Protesting against stuff isn’t really their schtick.

But this past Autumn, there *have* been many Pro-Trump protests. About 15. I can’t paste them all, but you can see a list here:…
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If you're following the @EP_SingleMarket exchange of views on the Digital Services Act & Digital Markets Act starting shortly, there'll be slides from the Commission presented. Here are the DSA ones:…
.@prabprab appears in @EP_SingleMarket to discuss DSA/DMA after some much-needed time off!
EC @prabprab on Trusted Flaggers in #DSA: "It makes sense to have a special privileged channel exists to notify a platform on the presence of illegal goods and content on a platform, subject to a range of ensure these privileged challenges cannot be abused."
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Every day, @Reuters photographers capture the news: the first vaccination; protestors in HK; a mob attacks the U.S. Capitol. I love the way many also spin patterns + even art from the events around them. Here are 5 pix from recent days that force you to look at the world afresh:
1. (Above) A person walking with an umbrella during heavy snowfall in #Madrid, Spain. Pic by Susana Vera

2. People in #Singapore watch a movie outdoors. The setup allows them to distance themselves and avoid catching the coronavirus. Edgar Su took this pic.

#madridsnow #COVID19
A protective bag covers a defaced bust of President Zachary Taylor in the U.S. Capitol. This pic, by Erin Scott, was taken a day after supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump stormed the Building.

#Capitol #CapitolRiot #CapitolHill
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The Suppression of Organic Liberty with a Digital Garden - The citizenry is suffering from Stockholm syndrome with a dash of willful blindness - by @TraderStef for #CrushTheStreet… Image
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1/13 In this thread, I have collected links to all videos mentioned in @adrian_horton's great @guardian article on late-night hosts' reactions to Wednesday's terrorist attack on #CapitolHill - and more. I believe that they offered some of the best recaps!…
2/13 #StephenColbert: Hey, Republicans Who Supported This President: Are We Great Again Yet? - LIVE MONOLOGUE
via @StephenAtHome @colbertlateshow #CapitolRiots
3/13 "Moments after voting on the Senate floor, Senator @amyklobuchar joins us from a secure location inside #CapitolBuilding and says the president is responsible for today's failed attempted coup, and she wants every person involved to be prosecuted."
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There was a bizarre European conspiracy doing the rounds on far-right platforms in the hours leading up to the US #CapitolHill riots earlier this week, inexplicably drawing in one EU member state to the 'fraudulent' election claims. Bear with me on this one...
I spent some time trawling through social media networks as well as some of the more fringe platforms, and stumbled upon an outlandish story that had garnered a lot of attention from far-right extremists online.
This was the claim that an Italian civil servant, 'Stefan Serafini,' based in Rome, had colluded with former President Barack Obama, ex Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi & Leonardo SPA (an Italian aerospace defence contractor), to rig the 2020 US elections.
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Repeat tomorrow morning at 11.30 a.m.
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How has religion been used to fan the flames of insurrection on Capitol Hill? - welcome to the participants to our zoom briefing today! We'll be live-tweeting as we go along:
Bishop @Mebudde felt a range of emotions on yesterdays events such as shock outrage, deep confusion, and alarm at the ways they unfolded with some predictability #capitolhill #washington #briefing
Bishop @Mebudde highlights there was no protection for vulnerable people, the homeless and key workers in the #CapitolHill area during yesterdays events
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OK so flag thread... amongst the usual suspects of US flags, Gadsden (Don't Tread On Me) flags, TRUMP flags there were Thin Blue Line flags OK not surprising, but hang on what's that green tree on a white background flag...? Well... #CapitolInsurrection #CapitolRiots #CapitolHill
That is the Washington Cruisers flag, or the Appeal to Heaven flag used by the nascent US Navy during the Revolutionary War. Is the person flying it trying to say this is a revolution. #CapitolInsurrection #CapitolRiots #CapitolHill
OK what's next... well as @LalehKhalili observed, we have non-Islamic Republic, Iranian flags (there are many iterations) denoting resistance/moarchist affiliation...
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