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Jan 3rd 2021
For generations, white and Native historians claimed that Native slave-owners from the Five Tribes were less violent than white slave owners. The story of Lucy, a Black enslaved woman owned by a Choctaw master who was BURNED ALIVE by her female Choctaw owner disproves this myth.
In 1858 an enslaved man named Prince confessed to the murder of his master Richard Harkins. He claimed he had killed him with an axe to his head—transforming a tool of his forced labor to a weapon to end the life of his abusive enslaver. After Prince murdered Harkins,
he used a rope to a tie a rock to Harkins’s body and drowned him in a river. When he confessed under probable torture he “named” his accomplices, including his Aunt Lucy who he claimed urged him to kill Harkins for some time and even taught him how to tie the rope around his dead
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