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Mar 8th 2023
NEW STUDY from @SynapseEnergy @GridLabEnergy @CenterForBioDiv shows @TVAnews can retire fossil fuels for 100% clean energy by 2035. Doing so will save customers money, reduce emissions, create jobs, & advance energy justice.
Check it out:…
TVA was created to bring cheap, clean energy & jobs to the southeast. Now @TVAnews has a chance to do that again by leading the just transition to 100% clean, affordable renewable energy. #TVALeadtheWay
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There's real urgency for TVA to make this shift. Fossil fuels burden families w/ high bills, extreme storms, and toxic pollution. Gas and coal plant failures during Winter Storm Elliot left millions without power. Yet, TVA is planning to build MORE gas.…
Read 7 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
.@TVAnews’ fossil plants failed on Christmas Eve, leaving thousands in the TVA service territory without power in one of the worst cold spells in recent memory. Now they’re doubling down on fossil fuels. Here’s what we know. #PassOnGas #ChooseSolar #CleanUpTVA 🧵 (1/X)
.@TVAnews announced in April ‘21 its plans to retire all remaining coal plants by 2035. TVA released a notice of intent to file an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to examine 3 replacement options for the Cumberland Fossil Plant in TN: (2/X)
A: Fossil gas Combined Cycle (CC) power plant which requires a new gas pipeline
B: Smaller fossil gas Combustion Turbine (CT) power plants throughout Middle TN
C: Large-scale solar & storage throughout Middle TN
Read 16 tweets

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