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Mar 24th 2019
Time for “Imaging the Immediate and Long-Term Effects of Exercise in Humans” (Wendy Suzuki, Chair) #CNS2019 #CNSmtg
“1,000 more steps a day is associated with a larger hippocampus, a brain region important to memory and dementia risk.” - Carlson, JHU #cnsmtg #cns2019
“Higher level intensity walking happens in common areas...such as hospitals, churches, etc.” - Carlson. Environment matters for encouraging physical activities.
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Mar 23rd 2019
“The all nighter is NOT effective.” -Why Sleep?, Matthew Walker, University of California, Berkeley Image
212 point increase on SATs when going from a 7:30 to 8:30 school start time #CNSmtg
“I can sleep when I’m dead. - this is awful advice. Because if you follow this advice, then the quality of your shorter life will be significantly worse - the shorter you sleep the shorter your life.” - Walker
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