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Most recents (2)

Jul 25th 2018
Okay - live stream is back on in the #ContinuityBill case. I will be tweeting the remainder of the LA's submissions this morning and whatever I can manage this afternoon. Feel free to mute thread.
Here's the link:… Sound will come on when judges are about to come in.
Ok, we're back. The Lord Advocate is up, on behalf of the Scottish Govt. Clarifies that he adopts his written case in full. A bit of banter with Lady Hale. Suggests court reads policy memo for CB in full. Turns to addressing some questions from yesterday.
Read 70 tweets
Jul 24th 2018
Okay this can be this afternoon's #ContinuityBill thread. If you aren't interested, you might want to mute it.
Live-stream here:… And we left off talking about clause 17 of the Continuity Bill ('CB)':… The Advocate General ('AG') was making the case that clause 17 is outside the competence of the Scot Parl.
Read 58 tweets

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