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May 10th 2022
In the America LAST $40 BILLION Ukraine FIRST bill that we are voting on tonight, there is authorization for funds to be given to the CIA for who knows what and who knows how much?

But NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!
$54 million for #Covid4Ever

Why not just keep Title 42 in place?
And $900 million to be given to “qualified” organizations and non-profits, aka friends and family of politicians “businesses,” to provide wrap-around services (look that one up), housing, medical, and just free everything.

But NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 28th 2022
Biden’s $5.8 TRILLION budget is loaded with America last climate change energy loss spending and woke environmental justice & fake equity spending but does nothing for Americans suffering from inflation costing them $3,500 extra per year.

Biden is buying all new electric vehicles for the federal fleet.

China dominates the EV battery market at over 85% and America is LESS THAN 5%.

Our federal fleet will be dependent on China to power our taxpayer funded fleet.


Thank you may we have another.
Democrats refuse to drill more oil and natural gas, finish the Keystone pipeline, or invest in nuclear energy, but want billions spent to replace appliances for equity.

“Sorry kids, Mom can’t cook dinner on the government electric stove bc the wind isn’t blowing today.” 🙄
Read 8 tweets

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