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As predicted, now that the summer is officially over the pace of whitepapers is picking up! Here are four new additions to the #CryptoArchives:
First, @LefKok, @dahlia_malkhi, @ittaia and Sasha Spiegelmann implemented a fully asynchronous DKG based on a novel "eventually perfect" common coin abstraction. 1/8
It's amazing how many new DKG constructions have come out in 2019. You'll find them in our Cryptographic Primitives -> Other section:
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It's been a slow summer for the #CryptoArchives, but I think this autumn is going to bring a torrent of new papers and insights for us to include.

Today I made a new commit with a few of my favorite papers from the last month, let's dive in! 👇0/7…
First up, we have a new addition to the Zero Knowledge Argument Systems section: PLONK from @aztecprotocol!

This paper presents a universal fully-succinct zk-SNARK with significantly improved prover run time compared to fully-succinct Sonic. 1/7
Next, we added "ETHDKG: Distributed Key Generation with Ethereum Smart Contracts." A non-interactive DKG that works in Byzantine environments has been a white whale for cryptographers since Gennaro's paper in 2006. 2/7

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It's been while since I tweeted about the #CryptoArchives, but good news: we have a new commit! Two brand new papers came out yesterday and today that I'm very excited about. 0/4
First, @bramcohen and Krzysztof Pietrzak posted the Chia Green Paper! They describe Chia's security properties as alternating proofs of space and verifiable delay functions replace PoW. You can see it here:… 1/4
This "Proofs of Space, Time, and Replication" section contains fascinating cryptography underpinning high-profile projects like the aforementioned @ChiaNetworkInc, @MineFilecoin, and ETH 2.0 (courtesy of @drakefjustin's VDF design). Is it missing anything? 2/4
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Banner week for the #CryptoArchives as we've seen 7 (!) commits from 3 (!!) different organizations adding excellent content to the repo. Thanks @EhabBZaghloul and @zkCapital, and @riabhutoria and @ResearchCircle!!

Let's dive in 👇🏻 0/…
Ria started us off on Tuesday by adding the Cuckoo Cycle (developed by John Tromp) to our Hashing Algorithms section. Cuckoo Cycle is "memory bound", or hard to develop an ASIC for, and used today by @grinMW and @beamprivacy. 1/ Image
This section lists numerous algos used by cryptocurrencies: BTC uses Hashcash, ETH uses Ethhash (may switch to ProgPoW), LTC uses Scrypt, XMR uses CryptoNight (may switch to RandomX) etc.
ASIC-resistant algos like Cuckoo Cycle are a hotly debated topic 2/…
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So excited to announce @zkCapital as a new partner to the #CryptoArchives! @EhabBZaghloul and @kasstawi produce a phenomenal weekly newsletter ( focused on academic blockchain research, and I'm thrilled that they'll be adding their findings to our repo 0/3 ImageImage
I just merged their first pull request where they added @pwuille, Gmax, Gleb, et al's Erlay paper by to the P2P Communications section. This section focuses on network-layer optimizations and could use some more content so I'm pumped they started there 1/3…
Paired with the newsletter is an informative weekly Tweetstorm (so follow @zkCapital too!). I'll let yesterday's tweet speak for Erlay and its importance: 2/3
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@telegram just released their documentation, which lets me highlight the most awkwardly titled section of the #CryptoArchives: Interpreters, Runtimes, and Virtual Machines!

(if you have a better catch-all title for this, please share!) 0/…
All blockchain-based systems perform some sort of computation when processing transactions. This section contains technical descriptions of the different computation models allowed by each system, from Bitcoin Script to the Telegram Open Network VM 1/
Bitcoin Script is famously limited in its smart contracting ability. I was fascinated when I learned that it used to be more expressive, but certain opcodes were disabled ~2012 for security reasons. Excited to update this for Tapscript when finalized 2/
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My Memorial Day Weekend gift to crypto twitter is another #CryptoArchives commit!

Today's entry comes thanks to a new paper from Srinath Setty @MSFTResearch - Spartan. He presents the first zk-SNARK construction that does not require a trusted setup 0/3
Spartan joins one of the most complex and powerful sections of crypto: zero knowledge argument systems. These mathematical constructs allow for the creation of proofs that can be verified without the verifier knowing what the inputs or the outputs are 1/3…
From @Algorand's @silviomicali's initial 1985 paper, to @secparam's (et al) Zerocash in 2014, to @EliBenSasson's (et al) zk-SNARK in 2015, to @benediktbuenz's (et al) Bulletproofs in 2017, to Eli's (et al) zk-STARK in 2018, this is a field with plenty of fascinating material 2/3
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