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@YaelBRAUNPIVET « On n'agit pas selon ses convictions mais selon sa mission ! »

L'hopital qui se fout de la Charité ; la Provoc' de #BraunPivet continue!

(Re)Criminalisons les mensonges #JeuxPolitiques #PartisÂnisme des élus & hauts dignitaires des nos Institutions!
@YaelBRAUNPIVET (Re)Criminalisons les mensonges #JeuxPolitiques #PartisÂnisme des élus & hauts dignitaires des nos Institutions.
Insulter les intelligences du Peuple, surtout quand on se prétend Démocrat(i)e, est alors le pire crime ; c'est une trahison!
@YaelBRAUNPIVET LA VIE, notre vie, la (vraie) politique (celle qui FAIT! Pas celle des partis comme lors des impostures de 3eme & 4eme républiques), la #Démocratie, ne sont pas un jeu!

Putain de #ClassePolitique #Bourgeoisie pistonnés! #Cancers #Idiocratie

Read 10 tweets
@TousALElysee @MacronardsFM #Macron-âtres, #Melenchon-âtres, #LePen-âtres, #Sarkozy-âtres, vous êtes TOUS des merdes radicalisés autour de "prophète/sauveurs" et/ou des dogmes IRREALISTES : Simplification au max d'idéaux ; même pas des théories!
Vous êtres CONTRE la République & LE PEUPLE (= UNI)#Démocratie
@TousALElysee @MacronardsFM Des gens intelligents (fauit réciter par-coeur, comme u nrobot pour avoir de bonnes notes et "bons diplômes", pas COMPRENDRE ni FAIRE! #Idiocratie), DIGNENT d'une CIVILISATION, qui ALORS aiment la REPUBLIQUE & DEMOCRATIE ne s'enrolent DONC pas de partis politiques qui DIVISENT!
@TousALElysee @MacronardsFM #Macron-âtres, #Melenchon-âtres, #LePen-âtres, #Sarkozy-âtres & co… TOUS d'inapes & incultes MERDES, donc "encartées", donc "bien diplômées", à la connerie Masterisée/PhDisée 🐑, avec un boulot/(pseudo)entreprise pour ainsi JOUER aux adultes/bosseurs…
#Cancers #Idiocratie
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#Nuked Themsleves: “They will blame #Russia as always”: a sociologist on the growth of the background #radiation in #Khmelnytsky (160 nS) | May 15
-the Russian army #destroyed the #ammunition depot -shells with #DepletedUranium were stored at the facility.…
#Finland's background #radiation normally varies between 0.05 and 0.30 #microsieverts per hour (µSv/h)
Tuomas Peltonen / Inspector general
tel. +358 975 988 508…
- #Loviisa NOW: 0.210 #microSieverts ImageImage
cc: @ ArthurM40330824
#Gamma radiation in #Khmelnytsky could actually indicate that a #DirtyBomb was stored in the warehouses.
Gamma radiation is characteristic of #enriched #uranium. Is it possible that were making "dirty bombs" at the Khmelnitsky #NPP
Read 35 tweets
💉Campagne de #vaccination annuelle en collège contre le #papillomavirus (#HPV) annoncée par le Président de la République.
➪ Une mesure majeure pour protéger contre des #cancers mortels. Un petit #Thread tant la mesure est importante. ⤵️ Image
Mais avant tout, de quoi parle-t-on quand on évoque le #papillomavirus ou #HPV ?
Un virus qui provoque des verrues & condylomes mais aussi 30 000 lésions précancéreuses du col de l'utérus /an & 6 000 cancers du col de l'utérus, du vagin, de l'anus, du pénis & bucco-pharyngée.
C'est donc une #virus source de cancers mortels, dont il existe un #vaccin développé depuis les années 1990.
Approuvé par la #FDA et l'@ansm en 2006-2007 sur un vaccin bivalent protégeant contre les types 16 et 18, responsables de 70% des cancers du col de l'utérus.
Read 12 tweets
"Doctor, the cancer has spread to the brain. Would he be alive for atleast 3-4months? There are so many things we want to do for him " 2 children enquiring about their elderly father brought in with seizures
Read on this miraculous story.
#CancerAwareness #oncology #MedTwitter
An elderly patient who was diagnosed as #lungcancer 2 years back presented to the ER at 5 pm with multiple episodes of seizures. He couldnt speak, recognise his daughters and was having slurring of speech. His consciousness levels were low
#CancerAwareness #oncology #MedTwitter
A MRI of the brain done showed one of the most tragic sights-multiple areas of the brain affected by Cancer deposits. In the image you can see them as the fluffy white spots.
#lungcancer #MedTwitter #oncology
Read 22 tweets
#economy of #cigarettes: Cost, returns (if invested), impact on #Health

1. A pack of cigarettes costs Rs 330. For a month, it would cost Rs 9900 (one pack/day).
A 30-year old person has the option of smoking one pack/day or investing this amount in #mutualfunds via #SIP route.
2. If Rs 10000/ is invested every month in mutual funds via SIP route (since age 30) and the expected return is 10% per annum, the savings would become a whopping 2.28 crores after 30 years (when he turns 60).
3. In addition, not smoking would reduce the risk of #heartattack, #stroke and several #cancers.
Medical insurance premium would also be lower.
So, healthcare costs would be significantly lesser for a non-smoker (as compared to a smoker).
Read 4 tweets
Today, JAMA Oncology's lead article shows that ppl with #hematologic #cancers are among the most vulnerable to COVID infections/hospitalizations.

Thank you to those who went against the grain to mask at the #ASH2022 #ASH22 hematology conference.…
I will post a thread on our invited editorial later today.
Read 3 tweets
Soutien à @MartineWonner, suspendue pendant 1 an par le conseil de l'ordre des médecins.
Notez que les médias l'attaquent en omettant une partie de ses propos. Je vais détailler et sourcer ce qu'on lui reproche, notamment cette déclaration..(voir suite⏬)
Déclaration quand #Wonner était députée:… "Aujourd'hui, vous ne pouvez plus cacher les conséquences délétères de la politique vaccinale: fausses couches, #myocardites, péricardites, maladies auto-immunes, cancers multiples, Creutzfeld Jacob, SIDA..."suite⏬
La déclaration de Martine Wonner était correcte pour plusieurs maladies, reconnues officiellement liées au vaccin: #myocardite, #péricardite et problèmes #menstruels sont officiellement reconnus par l'ANSM et l'EMA, agence européenne du médicament.… suite⏬
Read 13 tweets
Aux 🇺🇸 comme en 🇨🇵 (nous étions en avance) les variants #BQ1 et #BQ11 du #SARSCoV2 sont #dominants.
Malheureusement les #anticorpsminoclonaux sont inefficaces avec eux.
Les #immunodéprimés sont plus que jamais soumis au bon vouloir des autres .
Or en lien avec une #compol toujours pas à hauteur, la majorité des 🇨🇵 entend #vivrecommeavant quand les autorités disent #vivreavec & #recommandations.
Au-delà du fait que cet égoïsme prospère sur un fond de #validisme voire d'#eugénisme complètement décomplexé.
La petite musique du "les facteurs de risques sont l'#âge, les pathologies #cardiovasculaires, le #diabète, les pathologies respiratoires chroniques dont #asthme sévère et #BPCO mais aussi #mucoviscidose, l'#immunodépression (#dialyse #cancers), #obésité induit en erreur car
Read 21 tweets
Nyt sitä saa. #Oulu #Kiuru-#Marin-#provisio-#piikittää kaikki, poliittisella päätöksellä.
- Ikää, lääkärilupia, #InformedConsent eikä myyntilupien perään kysellä.
- Virkavallalla on muuta kiireitä, #moporatsia't ja muutakin on.
- #Fimea ja @ValviraSoteValv vaiennettu.
@ValviraSoteValv Vietä ihana #Pharmageddon-#Joulu2022
#Oulu sai juuri lisää #krematorio -kapasiteettia, ei tarvitse röykkiöissä, lojua
#Joulu2022 koteihin ei tulekaan #Joulupukki -#Ivermectin -pakettien kaa, lapsiperheistä lähtee moni iskä ja äippä aikaisin #TaivaanKotiin
Read 6 tweets
Doctors in India live 10 years lesser than average population- What can doctors do to save their lives?

Yes, you heard it right. Studies from Kerala and Pune by Indian Medical Association revealed these shocking statistics- doctors die about a decade earlier that the rest.
Life expectancy of a Malayali (native of Kerala) is 74.9 years but according to the IMA study, the mean ‘age of death’ of a Malayali doctor is 61.75 years. Indian doctor’s average lifespan is 55-59 years, almost 10 years lesser than that of the general population (IMA, Pune).
Common causes of death: #heart attacks (27%) and #cancers (25%). Other causes include #infections and #Suicides.
Risk factors for diseases and #death: physical inactivity, #obesity, #overweight, #stress, #sleep deprivation and long working hours are common among #doctors.
Read 12 tweets
Commonly used drug for acidity #Ranitidine may increase the risk of #cancers

1. Ranitidine (sold under the brand name Rantac, zinetac, aciloc) is commonly used for treating acidity. Analysis of ranitidine samples has shown contamination by a chemical NDMA (nitrosodimethylamine)
2. Ranitidine use caused higher incidence of pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas and colorectal cancers. Ref: Cancers (Basel), Jan 2021
3. USFDA banned ranitidine in April 2020. In India, it is not banned, but was removed from National list of essential medicines in Sep
Conclusion: It is better to avoid use of ranitidine for treating acidity due to a higher risk of gastro-intestinal cancers with its intake.
#MedTwitter #Acidity
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#KRAS alert! Over the past 4 years, a multi-disciplinary team from @hopkinskimmel @VUMC_Cancer @DanaFarber @MSKCancerCenter & @Amgen has been studying the distribution and co-mutations of KRAS, NRAS and HRAS mutant #cancers under the auspices of @AACR project #GENIE. Read the 🧵 Image
Our work is now published online at @CR_AACR and represents the largest study of RAS genomic architecture to date, leveraging #NGS data from >600,000 mutations and >66,000 tumors across 51 #cancer types.

Full text here….
Our findings provide insights in the genomic architecture of RAS mutant cancers and may serve as a blueprint for mapping therapeutic vulnerabilities for mut RAS. Given the vast array of findings we have put together a shiny app for interactive #dataviz:
Read 22 tweets
Le programme du jour : RDV dès 11h30

#PAF2022 @PlayAzur @Asso_Conscience
@PlayAzur @Asso_Conscience De nouveau en🔴🅻🅸🆅🅴 depuis le Play Azur Festival #PAF2022
Go pour un dimanche à Nice, mais chez vous 😎
Petite introduction en douceur pour gentiment ouvrir les yeux et prendre un dernier café avec @robin_isnard, @TheoRooot et @spasdelou.

On refait le monde d'hier et ce matin chez @Arcadium_TV et annonce la suite du programme du jour.

Read 34 tweets
Drs Sigoloff/Long-médecins militaires #USArmy &LtCol Chambers-ont comparé Janv-Oct 2021 avec les 5 dernières années
x11,7 #DIC coagulation intravasculaire disséminée
x10 #TroublesNeurologiques
x9 #Dyspnée
x5,9 #HIV
x4,7 #infertilité féminine
x4,7 #embolies pulmonaires
x3,9 #AVC
x3 #Cancers
x3 #faussescouches
x2,5 #GuillainBarrré
x1,6 malfo congénitales (...)
Source: audition de l'avocat #Renz par le Sénateur @SenRonJohnson
Ces déclarations de données sont sous peine de parjure. Leur intention est de soumettre cela aux tribunaux.…
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Palm oil corporations, whose products are found in so many of our foods, are gaslighting us & greenwashing a horrifically exploitative & damaging industry. They are responsible for deforestation and are driving many species to extinction.
#SayNoToPalmOil… ImageImageImageImage
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Do you think politics can save lives??

If you think "yes" is the answer, the opposite is also true. #ph260720 #HPVV #JAPAN 

#HPV is a common virus that infects the reproductive tract and can cause #cancers in males and females. This would have a serious impact on our lives. #ph260720 #HPVV #JAPAN
In 2013, the #Japanese government issued a statement stopping the active recommendation of #HPVV and implemented a policy of not including it in the routine vaccination. #ph260720 #HPVV #JAPAN

Do you imagine the impact???
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#WorldLungCancerDay 🎗
ఊపిరితిత్తుల క్యాన్సర్ (ఆంగ్లం: #lungcancer #cancer, లేదా lung carcinoma) ఊపిరితిత్తుల్లోని కణాలు విపరీతంగా పెరిగిపోవడం వల్ల వచ్చే క్యాన్సర్.ఈ పెరుగుదల మెటాస్టాసిస్ అనే ప్రక్రియ ద్వారా కేవలం ఊపిరితిత్తులతోనే ఆగిపోకుండా చుట్టూ ఉన్న
అవయువాలకు కూడా వ్యాపించే అవకాశం ఉంది. సాధారణంగా ఊపిరితిత్తుల్లో ప్రారంభమయ్యే ప్రాథమిక ఊపిరితిత్తుల క్యాన్సర్ (primary lung #cancers) లు కార్సినోమాలు (#carcinomas) ఈ క్యాన్సర్లలో అధిక భాగం (సుమారు 85 శాతం) దీర్ఘకాలం పాటు పొగాకు సేవించే వారిలో కనిపిస్తాయి.
10–15% కేసుల్లో బాధితులు ఎప్పుడూ ధూమపానం చేయలేదు.

2012 గణాంకాల ప్రకారం ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా 18 లక్షల మంది ఈ వ్యాధి బారిన పడగా అందులో సుమారు 16 లక్షలమంది మరణించారు. మగవారిలో కాన్సర్ మరణాలలో ఈ వ్యాధి మొదటి స్థానంలో ఉండగా, ఆడవారిలో రొమ్ము కాన్సర్ తర్వాత ఎక్కువ మంది ఈ వ్యాధి వలననే
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Delighted to share our new study… introducing PhasED-Seq out today @NatureBiotech.
A fantastic collaboration from @StanfordMedicine led by Dave_Kurtz & Joanne Soo with @max_diehn to help transform #cancer interception & monitoring by improving #LiquidBiopsy #ctDNA detection of #MRD.
For many cancers & nearly all currently available techniques, the impressive KM plots of #ctDNA #MRD immediately after definitive Rx w/ curative-intent unfortunately still miss ~50% of all events which occur in the MRD-negative subset, thus having modest NPV.
Read 21 tweets

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