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May 23rd 2020
Fellow ARMY @CrescentHelen has found in the scene of the #Daechwita MV a plaque with Chinese characters (不寶金玉) are related to the the Book of Rites (礼记).

"The Book of Rites (Li Ji): English-Chinese Version" by Confucius (Kong Zi) (Author), Dai Sheng (AD80) (Editor), & James Legge (Translator).


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May 22nd 2020
"I’m a king I’m a boss
Everyone knows my name
These bastards who are all talk
Cut his head off immediately." - #AGUSTD2, #Daechwita

Want to know more about the king's ruling pattern styles during the Joseon Dynasty, including the kings tendency to make arbitrary decisions? 👇
At the end of the MV, AGUST D seems to dethrone the current king. During the time of the Joseon Dynasty some kings were later dethroned because of tyranny.

The Joseon Dynasty being a monarchical system, almost all decisions within the government are confirmed by the king, where the king can decide on his own, or after discussing it with the government officials.

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