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Jul 22nd 2022
Iconic queer artist, author, and agitator #DavidWojnarowicz died 30 years ago today. He's been a major influence in my work since the mid-90s, and the direct inspiration for the Pop-Up Museum of Queer History, so I thought I'd do a little thread of my work about his work!
When DW's piece "A Fire In My Belly" was censored at @smithsoniannpg, it prompted me to (accidentally) found the Pop-Up Museum in protest - and also pushed me on a deep dive into the tangled origins of the piece (or is it pieces?) called A Fire In My Belly…
Soon, I wrote about Wojnarowicz's mysterious "Magic Box," which I see as a symbolic dictionary of his work and a conceptual playset for his visual language. This was one of my first pieces for @vice and an incredible collaboration with @matte_mag…
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