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Jul 9th 2020
a band called lady antebellum recently realized its name was racist & announced it would go by lady A instead. but another artist has performed as lady A for decades. today, the band sued. i'll try to explain the suit & break down some of the trademark issues in this thread.
1st let me say i agree w/ those calling out the band for its faux activism & hypocrisy. @thejournalista, @ira, @matthewacherry, @IWriteAllDay_ , & @yashar all have excellent threads on what's wrong w/ the band effectively silencing a black artist in the name of anti-racism.
i focus on the TM aspect to clarify the legal issues, not to defend the band's actions. in the end, the band may be legally well-situated but morally wrong. & painting themselves as victims is a particularly bad look. (see @pitchfork quotes: YIKES.)
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