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Feb 28th 2023
🧵#DebunkingTheSwain 🐖
I don't think anyone on my TL needs an introduction to the anti-Hindu hate-monger #AshokSwain. In the past, I have exposed him for trying to instigate Black people to attack Hindus (🧵link at the end).
This time he is lying about India's GDP. Let's……
He tweeted, 'India's GDP growth is 4.4%,' and also brought up the caste of the IMF chief, who happens to be a Brahmin, to trigger people. He probably took the headline from this Indian Express news article and ran with it.
The headline is misleading, but……
In fact, the real GDP growth for the full year (FY23) is still projected at 7%, and nominal GDP growth (including inflation deflator) at 15.9%. As of now, 🇮🇳is the only bright spot in the world with the highest GDP growth and low inflation. Mr. Swain 🐖 is trying to spin this as……
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