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Jun 14th 2020
When our City Attorney stupidly listed on his invoice - with a $500 fee - the line item was RE: #Redevelopment and listed #DenisMele a land use attorney and #LarryBaum a developer - I thought I should enquire as to what was going on since this has never been mentioned before 1/13
It turns out this was the beginning of his plan to sell my house out from under me and build 350 townhouses where there are currently 13 houses.

Central Broward.

Townhouse let's say $350,000.00. were talking .... Wait for it.


Later I found out 2/13
This was all a part of #wiltonmanors trying to annex us and add a cool $100,000,000.00 to their tax base.

Now, they never tried to convince me by making me an offer.


They send a real estate agent who said to me " if you don't sell we'll build it around you." 3/13
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