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Nov 2nd 2020
We’re ending the 2nd day on our #DFLGOTVTour in Lakeville! We’re back out on the road tomorrow but it’s the final stretch and we need your help to Get Out the Vote.

Find your voting info at and Get Out the Vote with us at!
DFL Chairman @kenmartin73: “We have got some great candidates right here in Lakeville who are going to win on Tuesday night. They are going to help us win the Senate and expand our majority in the House.” #DFLGOTVTour
.@kaelaberg: “I’m running because representation matters. I am a working mom who is passionate about a Minnesota that works for working families.” #DFLGOTVTour
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Nov 2nd 2020
We spent the first part of our evening in Northfield talking to voters about Tuesday’s election and our candidates made sure to get everyone excited! With 52 hours left until polls close we’re pulling all out the stops to win. #DFLGOTVTour
DFL Chairman @kenmartin73: “I need you to get out the vote. I need you to make sure that every eligible person gets out to the polls. We need to make sure we win on Tuesday.” #DFLGOTVTour
.@StOlafDems President Hannah Liu: “The energy from the Northfield community really transfers onto campuses. The St. Olaf and Carleton students have been working hard to get our peers out to vote this election cycle.” #DFLGOTVTour
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Nov 1st 2020
Our 2nd stop on the #DFLGOTVTour was in Mankato where we got to hear from DFLers up and down the ballot on how we can win on November 3rd.

Have time to spare before Tuesday to help get Democrats elected? Get Out the Vote with us at!
DFL Chairman @kenmartin73: “When we win elections that gives us the power to make the change we want by electing people that share our values.” #DFLGOTVTour
Mankato college student Andrew Weinzierl: “This election I’ve focused on getting Democrats in. When we talk about civility and empathy, that’s what we truly stand for.” #DFLGOTVTour
Read 10 tweets
Nov 1st 2020
On the second day of the #DFLGOTVTour, we’re getting the word out and connecting with voters in Austin! Only 2 days left until the election and we’re doing everything we can to make sure DFLers win up and down the ticket on Tuesday!
DFL Party Chairman @kenmartin73: “We are more polarized than we’ve ever been. We have to come together. It’s time for us to unite and there’s only one person who can do that: Joe Biden.” #DFLGOTVTour
We heard from House District 27A Candidate Thomas Martinez about his plans to fight for climate justice, green jobs, and a better future for Minnesota. #DFLGOTVTour
Read 7 tweets
Nov 1st 2020
On our final stop of the day, we connected with DFLers in North Minneapolis to talk about everything that’s at stake on Tuesday. We’re back on the road tomorrow and excited to Get Out the Vote, check out where at
Our chair @kenmartin73 put it best: “The only thing that matters is who shows up over the next few days that are left. We’ve got the opportunity to change the history of this country.”
County Commissioner DFL Candidate .@DeVonna2: “As long as we have people who are homeless, who don’t have jobs, who don’t have healthcare, then we need good people to run for office.” #DFLGOTVTour
Read 11 tweets
Nov 1st 2020
We were just in Eden Prairie talking to voters and getting ready to elect DFLers up and down the ballot on Tuesday!

Make sure you’re ready on Election Day and get all the info you need at or volunteer with us at #DFLGOTVTour
.@kenmartin73: “We’ve got 75 hours until polls close, 75 hours until we can turn the page on this long national nightmare, 75 hours until we can elect great DFLers and start putting this country back on track!” #DFLGOTVTour
.@carlieforhouse: “I’m running because social justice is on the ballot this year. I’m running because reproductive rights are on the ballot this year. I’m running because everybody deserves access to be able to vote, and that’s on the ballot this year.” #DFLGOTVTour
Read 10 tweets
Oct 31st 2020
We just finished talking to voters and getting excited for November 3rd. With less than 100 hours until the polls are closed, DFLers in Wayzata know we can’t take anything for granted. #DFLGOTVTour
.@kenmartin73: “The stakes of this election can not be any higher. Don’t ride the poller coaster, we cannot rest on our laurels. The only poll that matters is the poll on November 3rd.” #DFLGOTVTour
.@piper4mn: “I can’t believe the energy, the excitement, the positivity. People are ready to get out and make a change!” #DFLGOTVTour
Read 10 tweets
Oct 31st 2020
THREAD: We just finished up our second stop of the day on our Get Out the Vote Tour in St. Cloud! Voters are excited for election day and our speakers made sure to get everyone fired up & ready to go! #DFLGOTVTour
.@kenmartin73: “We know that @MNGop is going to pull out every single stop they can to overturn the will of the people in this state who are coming out to have their voices heard. It is time for change in this country, we need to elect Democrats.”
.@TinaSmithMN: “This election is a moment for us to remember that elections are not the end. Elections are a means to an end. The end we are seeking right now is making this country better, making this state better.” #DFLGOTVTour
Read 8 tweets
Oct 31st 2020
This morning, the DFL Party kicked off our #DFLGOTVTour up in Duluth! We're pulling out all the stops to get out the vote for our entire DFL ticket across Minnesota!

Find out where you can vote at and help us reach voters at!
.@kenmartin73 on @mngop trying to disenfranchise voters: “this is just gonna fire up DFLers because we’re not gonna let any person who casts a vote to be disenfranchised...every person matters and every vote should count and that’s what we stand for as the DFL party.”
.@LarsonForDuluth: “we can literally call text and email everybody we know and we need to do that. It is one of the ways we show that we love people, that we care about them...and this country and this city so much that we need you to step up and make sure that your vote counts.”
Read 8 tweets

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