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Jun 2nd 2021
SC on #Differential Pricing: Union Budget for Financial Year 2021-2022 had earmarked Rs 35000 crores for procuring vaccines, Central Government is directed to clarify how these funds have been spent so far and why they cannot be utilized for vaccinating persons aged 18-44 years.
Thread* SC on #DifferentialPricing: Centre defended higher pricing as a move to spur competition, which would attract manufacturers that would eventually lower prices

Prima facie, only room for negotiation with 2 vax cos was on price, quantity which have been pre-fixed by Centre
SC: Serious doubts on justification for enabling higher prices as a competitive measure.

Central Govt justifying its lower prices on its ability to place large purchase orders for vax, raises issue as why this rationale not being employed to acquire 100% of monthly CDL doses
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