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Aug 23rd 2020
"you can't be that disabled if you can work full time"

You know what else I can do? Absolutely nothing. If I want to take a shower, I have to take a day off work. Sometimes my partner has to carry me from my desk to my bed. I can't stand long enough to fry an egg.
I have to chose every single day. Do I want to cook, or do I want to work? Do I want to shower or work? Sometimes I can't even eat food someone else has made if I've been working that day. Sometimes working one day means I can't even get out of bed to pee the next.
"so why work then?"

Because work is more essential than those things. How tf am I supposed to get the food to eat and water to wash with, any shelter at all, if I don't work? I could prioritise my base needs for a month maybe, but then the money runs out. And I would just die.
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