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Time for another #DiseaseWeek tweetorial. How do we classify lupus nephritis?

The International Society of Nephrology and RPS created an LN classification system consisting of 6 classes of disease based on morphologic findings on kidney biopsy. A simplified view is below. /1 Image
The classes are based on the distribution of immune deposits and the proportions of glomeruli affected. This classification is VERY glomerulocentric. #DiseaseWeek /2 Image
Here's an overview of the classification of lupus nephritis. #DiseaseWeek /3 Image
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It's time for another #DiseaseWeek!

This week, Dr. Best will cover Alport syndrome and start the week off by discussing the history of this renal disease. #Nephpearls
In 1927, Dr. Cecil Alport published a series on “hereditary familial congenital haemorrhagic nephritis” where he described its association with deafness and the gender differences in disease severity. #DiseaseWeek
Interestingly, Dr. Alport initially believed the etiology of the disorder was an individual susceptibility to a toxin of an unknown organism, probably belonging to the streptococcal group. #DiseaseWeek
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